Dr Wee shocked as Finance Minister reveals RM6.1bil worth of contracts approved without open tender during Pakatan administration

(Star) – What happened to Pakatan Harapan’s pledge for open tenders, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong asked in a Facebook post Monday (Aug 24).

The MCA president posted the question after Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz revealed in the Dewan Rakyat that the previous administration had awarded 101 projects worth RM6.6bil through direct negotiations.

“What has happened? Hasn’t (former finance minister) Lim (Guan Eng) always said that Pakatan will only award (through) open tenders?

“This is something shocking for all Malaysians,” he said in a Facebook post Monday.

In the post, Dr Wee also asked who would have the power to offer such tenders if Cabinet had not approved it via direct negotiations.

Earlier, Tengku Zafrul had told the Dewan Rakyat that direct negotiations were allowed under certain conditions with approval from the Finance Minister, among which was only a single source of the required supply or that the project could not be delayed without damaging the nation.

Former finance minister Lim Guan Eng had said he welcomed any move to release the list of projects awarded by direct negotiation as well as those done through open tenders.

“As mentioned by the minister, it is subject to all the conditions. We have nothing to hide,” he said, adding that the projects which were awarded through direct negotiations had received approval from Cabinet and had met all the necessary criteria.

On the expansion of the Penang International Airport, Dr Wee said he had met Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow to discuss and exchange views on the project after a National Physical Planning Council meeting on Aug 13 as well as in the Parliament lobby on Aug 17.

“In fact, I will have a special meeting with the Chief Minister to discuss public transport issues,” Dr Wee said.


PANAS dari Dewan Rakyat….

Menteri Kewangan Dato’ Sri Tengku Zafrul Aziz mendedahkan bahawa sepanjang pemerintahan PH, sebanyak 101 projek perolehan berjumlah RM6.61bilion telah ditawarkan oleh Kerajaan PH secara ‘direct-nego’ (rundingan terus)!

Mantan Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng terus terduduk setelah mendengar pendedahan oleh Tengku Zafrul.

Apa sudah jadi? Bukankah Lim Guan Eng selama ini sering sebut PH hanya mengamalkan “tender terbuka”? Malah ianya termaktub di dalam manifesto (bukan kitab suci) – Buku Harapan!

Lim Guan Eng akhirnya mengakui bahawa semua tender yang ditawarkan melalui rundingan terus diluluskan oleh Kabinet era pemerintahan PH.

Menteri Kanan MITI, Dato’ Seri Azmin Ali terus bangun dan mendedahkan di Dewan Rakyat bahawa ianya tidak pernah dibincangkan di Kabinet!

Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Datuk Seri Rina Harun, juga bangun untuk mengesahkan dakwaan Azmin.

Wah! Ini sesuatu yang amat mengejutkan seluruh rakyat Malaysia!

Kalau Kabinet tidak meluluskan tender rundingan terus, agaknya siapa pula yang begitu berkuasa menawarkan tender secara rundingan terus ini?


