Pakatan does not uphold the agree-to-disagree rule when it comes to Art Harun

All Art Harun has to do is to kick one or two Umno MPs out of the dewan the next time they stand up to speak out of turn. Pakatan Harapan will then sing his praises and will proclaim him Allah’s gift to the nation. All Pakatan Harapan needs is to win every time. And if you help them win, even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is regarded as the reincarnation of Mandela and Gandhi both rolled into one.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

One favourite line or narrative that we often hear from the likes of Anwar Ibrahim is that the golden rule or supreme principle of Pakatan Harapan — which is what makes Pakatan Harapan very special or unique — is that they agree to disagree.

And that is what separates the men from the boys, says Anwar.

In Barisan Nasional, Umno is the boss. What Umno says prevails and everyone else has to kowtow to Umno. There is no democracy in Barisan Nasional. Umno calls the shots and no one is allowed to disagree with Umno’s decisions.

Pakatan Harapan, on the other hand, is different, they say. Whatever is done in Pakatan Harapan is based on consensus. Consensus means sebulat suara. If they cannot reach a consensus then they will agree to disagree and do it anyway. No one is boss in Pakatan Harapan. Everyone is equal or of the same level: sama rata. That, they tell us, is why Pakatan Harapan is more successful than Barisan Nasional, or now Perikatan Nasional.

Then see what happened earlier this week when the new Parliament Speaker was nominated. Pakatan Harapan did not allow any agree-to-disagree to prevail. It was either Pakatan Harapan’s way or no way. The Pakatan Harapan MPs went berserk and did not demonstrate any decency, decorum or sopan santun. Even fish wholesalers in the pasar borong are better behaved.

READ MORE HERE: Why this display of vitriol over Art Harun’s election as speaker?

As they say, you can take the country bumpkin out of the kampung, new village or estate but you cannot take the kampung, new village or estate out of the country bumpkin. A country bumpkin will always be a country bumpkin however expensive the suit they may be wearing.

Pakatan Harapan’s agree-to-disagree narrative is a farce. This is what they say, this is not what they do. Bikin tak serupa cakap. When PAS tabled a private member’s bill in parliament, the RUU355, DAP asked for a divorce. What happened to the agree-to-disagree principle?

DAP fights for the UEC, Chinese schools, Chinese education, and so on. Did PAS ask for a divorce? Even if that is DAP’s perjuangan and not PAS’s perjuangan, PAS agrees to disagree with whatever DAP is fighting for. But DAP will never reciprocate. It is either DAP’s way or we divorce.

All Art Harun has to do is to kick one or two Umno MPs out of the dewan the next time they stand up to speak out of turn. Pakatan Harapan will then sing his praises and will proclaim him Allah’s gift to the nation. All Pakatan Harapan needs is to win every time. And if you help them win, even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is regarded as the reincarnation of Mandela and Gandhi both rolled into one.

