Death of Pakatan Harapan, thanks to DAP

KTemoc Konsiders

According to the foundation of this propaganda, the DAP is a stand-in for the Chinese community, hence what we are witness to, according to the PN regime, is that this fight between Mahathir and Anwar, with the DAP “siding” with the old maverick, is really about a Chinese tsunami aided by power crazy Malays.

Nobody in the DAP seems to be able to get a handle on how to spin this fiasco without doing damage to Harapan, but more importantly, to the DAP. Anthony Loke’s interview was a complete disaster – except to die-hard partisans – that is.

His interview managed to throw Anwar and PKR under the bus, shoot Harapan in the foot and play into the hands of PN by furthering narratives that the DAP was aligning with Mahathir for protection against the PN government.

The mechanism in place for a Mahathir-led Harapan says more about the untenable nature of this option, rather than allaying the fears of supporters. So that is the mechanism, Anthony? Harapan Plus will self-destruct if Mahathir does not hand over power to Anwar? You do understand that this is exactly what the Sheraton Move was, right?

The canary in the coalmine is, of course, the DAP’s Ronnie Liu, whose pungent commentary of this sordid mess says more of what the DAP used to be than what it has morphed into. Now, Anwar is meeting with leaders from “other” blocs and some people are going ape manure.

Well, that source from that Malaysiakini news report was correct when he said: “He (Anwar) did lament a little about how his actions are being questioned by people but no one is questioning Mahathir.”


