Anwar’s meeting with Muhyiddin was not sanctioned by Pakatan

The impression being given is that Anwar is treating this meeting as very important while Muhyiddin is brushing it off as insignificant and not worth a mention. Some are questioning why Anwar needs to lower himself to the status of a beggar who is begging for recognition from Muhyiddin.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim proudly announced he had a 45-minute meeting with Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin but this seems to have backfired badly.

First of all, Anwar did not discuss this meeting beforehand with Pakatan Harapan, in particular with DAP, to get their approval or endorsement to have that meeting. And this has upset PKR’s partners in Pakatan Harapan.

The two matters that were discussed, according to Anwar, is the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic and the convening of parliament. These are policy matters and, according to the Pakatan Harapan leadership, need party approval since they involve the stand of the coalition — and any agreement between Anwar and Muhyiddin must be in line with the official stand of the coalition.

Anwar’s meeting with Muhyiddin was not sanctioned by Pakatan Harapan and this has upset DAP and Mahathir

It has now been agreed that parliament will be convened on 18th May 2020 and Anwar confirmed that Pakatan Harapan will not be tabling any vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin in parliament.

This announcement contradicts what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said in his Bloomberg interview. In that interview, Mahathir said the vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin is still on the table but they do not know whether they can still get the numbers (they need at least 112 MPs to vote in support of the vote of no confidence for it to pass).

The question now is whether Pakatan Harapan will follow what Anwar wants and refrain from tabling a vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin on 18th May 2020 and hence give give Mahathir what many would consider a slap on his face. This dilemma that Anwar caused has placed Pakatan Harapan between a rock and a hard place.

Anwar torpedoed Mahathir’s plan for a vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin on 18th May 2020

Some are asking what Anwar’s game-plan is. Was his meeting with Muhyiddin a tactical blunder? The only ‘positive’ outcome of the meeting is that Anwar has praised Muhyiddin for the way he is handling the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. And this, too, contradicts Pakatan Harapan’s official stand on the matter.

Pakatan Harapan is attacking the government for the way it is handling the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Pakatan Harapan wants to turn the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic into a political issue and use it against Muhyiddin the way they used the 1MDB issue against Najib Tun Razak.

However, Anwar’s praise of Muhyiddin has thrown a spanner in the works and Pakatan Harapan now needs to look for a new issue to use against Muhyiddin.

DAP and Mahathir are upset that Anwar blundered in his meeting with Muhyiddin

DAP says Anwar’s meeting with Muhyiddin was a huge blunder. Pakatan Harapan was caught by surprise and by the time they found out about the meeting it was too late because it was already over. While Anwar tried to cash in on the meeting by making an announcement of the details of what was discussed, Muhyiddin has kept very quiet and did not respond.

The impression being given is that Anwar is treating this meeting as very important while Muhyiddin is brushing it off as insignificant and not worth a mention. Some are questioning why Anwar needs to lower himself to the status of a beggar who is begging for recognition from Muhyiddin.

