Coronavirus: Another 938 patients die in UK – taking total to 7,097

(Sky News) – Another 938 coronavirus patients have died in the UK, taking the total to 7,097.

In England, there have been 828 more deaths, with the total now 6,483.

The latest figures, released by NHS England, count newly-confirmed deaths of hospital patients who have COVID-19, reported up until 5pm on Tuesday.

Patients were aged between 22 and 103, and 46 (aged 35 to 96) had no known underlying health condition.

The highest number of coronavirus fatalities came in London, with 201, followed by 171 in the Midlands, where a temporary mortuary is nearing completion at Birmingham Airport.

Also reporting three figures were the North West with 128 the South East with 120, and the North East with 101.

There were 70 deaths recorded in the East of England and 37 in the South West.

