Anwar opposes ‘Buy Muslim First’ campaign

(Bernama) – PKR President Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has condemned the action by a movement calling for the boycott of products based on race or religion, saying that such action is unhealthy.

He said the campaign to promote halal products is acceptable but to promote it using contentious issues between races is unhealthy in a multiracial country like Malaysia.

“The racial connotation use (in the boycott campaign) is not healthy in a multi-racial society and pluralistic world,” he told reporters after delivering a keynote address at the International Council for Historical and Cultural Cooperation-Southeast Asia (ICHCC-SEA) International Conference on History and Culture here, today.

The two-day conference aims to provide a platform for cultural and educational exchanges.

There was an ongoing campaign on social media by certain quarters to boycott goods produced by non-Bumiputeras to buy Bumiputera products instead.

Last Friday, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he did not agree with the movement’s call, saying it was only carried out by people with shallow thinking.

