Shukri failed to deliver Najib’s head on a platter

The MACC is not delivering what the voters want. Worse still, the MACC is not delivering Pakatan Harapan’s election promises. Najib’s head on a platter is one of the promises. A clean government under Pakatan Harapan is another. Both are not being delivered and most people now see Pakatan Harapan as merely old wine in a new bottle.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When Mohd Shukri Abdull was appointed the new head of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) soon after the May 2018 general election, it was with great hope and expectations that he would deliver Najib Tun Razak’s head on a platter.

To date, Najib has not been arrested and charged for any crime involving 1MDB. And yet, according to Lim Kit Siang and DAP, the 1MDB ‘theft’ is the biggest financial scandal in history. How would they know that unless there is hard evidence? And if there is hard evidence why is Najib not yet in jail?

Actually, that is not true. The Enron and Vatican Bank scandals are the biggest financial scandals in history. Kit Siang and DAP are just playing drama, trying to con you into believing that Malaysia holds the world record for financial scandals.

Anyway, whether 1MDB is the biggest or 100th biggest financial scandal in history does not matter. What matters is Pakatan Harapan promised, “Hari ini kita memerintah, esok Najib akan masuk jail.” That went alongside the promise, “Hari ini kita memerintah, esok harga minyak akan turun RM1.50.”

Shukri failed to deliver Najib’s head on a platter and he told Mahathir there is no evidence to nail Najib for allegedly stealing RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money

None of that happened and one year later Najib Tun Razak is becoming more popular while Pakatan Harapan is becoming more unpopular. Where is Najib’s head that was supposed to have been delivered one year ago?

Shukri told Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad they cannot seem to find any evidence against Najib so they cannot nail him for stealing RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money. So far, they can only charge him for stealing RM42 million of SRC International’s money. And, even then, the case is not going too well. Najib may actually escape that case as well.

But RM42 million is not RM42 billion. Mahathir personally told the nation that Najib stole RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money. Even if they can nail Najib for the RM42 million SRC case, that is not good enough. It has to be RM42 billion, not just RM42 million. And if the RM42 million SRC case tak lekat, that would be even worse.

Najib is becoming more popular while Pakatan Harapan is losing credibility

Then Najib was supposed to have given PAS and/or the PAS leaders, Abdul Hadi Awang included, RM90 million. Shukri then announces that they investigate this allegation and it is not true.

Then Hadi was supposed to have instructed Rameli Musa to pay Clare Rewcastle Brown RM1.4 million to settle their case out of court. The MACC then investigates this allegation and, again, it is proven false.

To make matters worse, the MACC drops the cases against Lim Guan Eng involving his house and the Penang Undersea Tunnel. There is, in fact, a third case involving more than RM150 million but the MACC is not taking any action against Guan Eng.

There are many corruption cases against Guan Eng but the MACC is not taking any action

All this is going to hurt Pakatan Harapan very badly. In fact, it is going to hurt Mahathir personally even worse. That is why Shukri had to go.

The MACC is not delivering what the voters want. Worse still, the MACC is not delivering Pakatan Harapan’s election promises. Najib’s head on a platter is one of the promises. A clean government under Pakatan Harapan is another. Both are not being delivered and most people now see Pakatan Harapan as merely old wine in a new bottle.

