Zahid steps aside as Umno president, hands over duties to deputy

(The Star) – Bowing to the mounting pressure from within his party, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has announced his decision to step aside from his role of Umno president.

“Based on the struggle faced by the party today, I have decided to entrust the deputy president (Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan) the tasks of the president,” he said.

Ahmad Zahidi, who is facing a number of graft charges in court, said that he felt the concerns of some Umno leaders who are worried that they might feel the pressure, or be investigated with allegations he has faced.

“To strengthen the party, and in the interest of all, Member of Parliament and assemblymen, necessary measures need to be taken,” he said in a statement released on Tuesday (Dec 18) night.

Dr Ahmad Zahid also called on MPs and assemblymen not to jump ship.

Full text of Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s statement

1. Umno wajib di selamatkan dari rebah.

2. Akar-umbi amat mengharapkan  pemimpin Umno bersatu hati untuk menterjemahkan halatuju Umno sesuai dengan slogan baharu ‘Umno Bangkit’.

4. Saya merasai keresahan segelintir pemimpin Umno keran khuatir mereka akan menerima tekanan, siasatan and tuduhan demi tuduhan seperti yang saya alami.

5. Demi keutuhan Umno dan demi kepentingan pimpinan di semua peringkat terutama Ahli-Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN-ADUN serta Umno Bahagian-Bahagian, langkah-langkah menyelamatkan situasi tersebut harus dilakukan segera.

6. Berdasarkan kepada kemelut yang dihadapi oleh parti hari ini, saya mengambil keputusan untuk memberi kepercayaan kepada Timbalan Presiden untuk menjalankan tugas-tugas sebagi Presiden.

7. Saya harap semua polimek mengenai kepimpinan ditamatkan dan saya mahu kepimpinan di peringkat akar umbi fokus memperkukuhkan parti.

8. Saya menyeru supaya tiada lagi tindakan keluar parti daripada Ahli-ahli Parlimen dan ADUN-ADUN.

Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

