Kit Siang is a student of North Korea

In fact, Kit Siang even refuses to confirm that he was born in China and not in Batu Pahat, where he spoke last night. And he also refuses to confirm that PAP sent him to Malaysia in 1965 to manage DAP after Singapore split from Malaysia. And Kit Siang’s ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ is PAP’s agenda, which is one reason why Singapore split from Malaysia when Umno would not agree to it.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Listening to Lim Kit Siang speak and reading what he writes is like witnessing something that comes out from North Korea. Basically, just like what North Korea does, Kit Siang practices and propagates hate. And this is the reason why Kit Siang has thus far not said anything negative about North Korea or condemned the missile incidences.

“…whether on his return from his shameful and humiliating visit to the White House and US President Trump on Sept. 12 in his capacity as a ‘kleptocrat’ and ‘MO1’…,” said Kit Siang last night in a kopitiam in Batu Pahat. Kit Siang’s rules are simple. He can say anything he likes about others but if you were to say he is a racist who is anti-Monarchy, anti-Malay and anti-Islam he would get very angry.

In fact, Kit Siang even refuses to confirm that he was born in China and not in Batu Pahat, where he spoke last night. And he also refuses to confirm that PAP sent him to Malaysia in 1965 to manage DAP after Singapore split from Malaysia. And Kit Siang’s ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ is PAP’s agenda, which is one reason why Singapore split from Malaysia when Umno would not agree to it.

The Islamisation of Malaysia must be opposed at all costs and this starts with the RUU355

The humorous part about this whole episode is that Kit Siang truly plays coffee-shop or kopitiam politics (he goes to coffee-shops and kopitiams to preach his brand of Chinese politics steeped in hate).

The audience at these venues is very Chinese. Many are products of Chinese schools and speak very little English and very poor Bahasa Malaysia. So you need to communicate with them in Chinese, and even then with the right dialect because they not only speak Chinese but also only a certain dialect  –and if you speak the wrong dialect they would not understand you.

I remember giving a ceramah in Pandamaran back in 2008 and I threw in a few Chinese words. There was total silence and no response from the crowd. The host then told me I was speaking the wrong dialect so the crowd did not understand what I had just said. He then told me the correct phrase of what I had just said and I repeated what I said in the correct dialect. The crowd then roared with laughter and clapped.

This is Kit Siang’s and DAP’s brand of politics

Yes, it is not enough you speak in Chinese. It has to be the correct dialect as well. And avoid English and Bahasa Malaysia. When I started to speak in English the host tapped me on the shoulder and told me to switch to Bahasa Malaysia. They do not speak English, said the host. So I switched to Bahasa Malaysia but the blank looks on the faces continued. I then switched to bazaar Bahasa Malaysia and only then did the smiles appear.

This is an example of a DAP crowd and this is the crowd that Kit Siang spoke to last night at the coffee-shop or kopitiam. And these people do not want to hear about economic growth, GDP, GNP, and other economic issues. They just want to hear you hentam the government, the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister’s wife, Umno and Barisan Nasional. And that is why Mat Sabu is also popular with the Chinese.

“Semalam gua tak boleh cakap sebab gua sakit tekak. Olang Umno cakap gua sakit tekak sebab gua banyak cakap buluk pasal olang. Tak baik cakap macam itu pasal olang sakit. Mahadey masuk hospital sebab opelate dada. Gua tak cakap Mahadey opelate dada sebab hati busuk.”

The crowd roars with laughter and claps enthusiastically. Mat Sabu is a hit. And he is a hit because he suka mengata orang. And that, too, is how Kit Siang conducts himself. Kit Siang is a Chinese version of Mat Sabu and he entertains the same type of audience that Mat Sabu does.

Why does DAP need PAS when they have a new baruah to serve them?

Back in the 2008 and 2013 general elections Kit Siang told the Chinese voters that a vote for PAS is a vote for DAP. So the Chinese voted for PAS in constituencies where DAP did not contest but PAS did. Kit Siang confirms this when he said last night, “In the 2013 general elections, PAS achieved some 22% of voter support in the Johore State, but the overwhelming majority of this support for PAS would have come from DAP and PKR support.”

The bottom line is DAP never liked PAS. In fact, DAP could never accept PAS since way back in 1990 when Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah invited DAP to join Semangat 46 and PAS in a coalition. But then in 2008 and 2013 DAP saw they could use PAS. DAP knows that without PAS they cannot get enough Malay votes and they need Malay votes to march into Putrajaya. So basically PAS was DAP’s baruah.

But now DAP no longer needs PAS because they have two new baruah, PAN and PPBM. DAP can use PAN and PPBM to garner Malay votes and take away Malay votes from Umno and PAS. But then DAP realises that this may not be possible after all. PAN and PPBM have only about 50,000 members against Umno’s and PAS’s five million. So in a three-corner contest Pakatan Harapan is going to lose out.

And that is why Kit Siang is panicking and is trying to avoid three-corner contests (while telling the Chinese that three-corner contests are good for Pakatan). But this ‘deal’ can only happen if Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali can sweet-talk PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang into agreeing to an electoral pact for the next general election.

Kit Siang is worried that Najib’s US visit may mean they can no longer spin the DoJ-1MDB story in the next general election

Does that explain why DAP and its leaders are keeping very quiet about the deal that Azmin is trying to make with PAS? Those who are condemning Azmin are PKR leaders themselves. Normally it would be DAP that would be foaming at the mouth and barking like mad dogs if anyone does a deal with PAS. But this time Kit Siang is not saying a word. Instead he is condemning President Trump for agreeing to meet Najib because he wants the Chinese to focus on that instead of the internal squabble in PKR regarding Azmin and PAS.

In the past, DAP told the Chinese voters that a vote for MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PPP, etc., is a vote for Umno. So they must not vote MCA, Gerakan, MIC, PPP, and so on. If DAP is not contesting in that particular constituency then the Chinese must vote either PAS or PKR.

Today, Kit Siang is telling the Chinese that a vote for PAS is a vote for Umno. So, if DAP is not contesting in that constituency, and if PAS is, then they must vote for PKR, PAN or PPBM. Hence a vote for PKR, PAN and PPBM is a vote for DAP.

In 2008 and 2013 a vote for PAS was a vote for DAP

The logic behind this is simple. DAP is the de facto opposition leader. Even in Selangor DAP is the de facto Menteri Besar (just like in Perak in 2008) and DAP is actually running the state and decides what happens.

The Chinese are being told that for Pakatan Harapan to form the Federal Government they need to win not less than 112 seats in Parliament. And for Pakatan to be able to win 112 seats in Parliament, DAP must win not less than 54 seats. If DAP does not win at least 54 seats then Pakatan cannot win 112 seats.

Now, if Pakatan wins 112 seats, and if 54 seats of those are from DAP, that means the balance 58 seats are shared by PKR, PAN and PPBM. So that makes DAP the majority in Pakatan Harapan.

This is the arithmetic being presented to the Chinese. And that means for DAP to be the ‘Top Dog’ in Pakatan Harapan, not only must they win 54 seats but PKR, PAN and PPBM combined must also win another 58 seats.

Without PAS even Bersih cannot get Malay support

So, if the Chinese want DAP to march into Putrajaya as the head of Pakatan Harapan, then the Chinese must also help PKR, PAN and PPBM win another 58 seats. Hence a vote for PKR, PAN and PPBM is a vote for DAP.

The Chinese are being told to ignore the internal squabbles in PKR regarding Azmin and PAS. The Chinese are being told to forget about the damage that Anwar Ibrahim did to the Chinese schools and Chinese education. The Chinese are being told to forget about what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad did to the country’s economy and the corruption and racism that increased during Mahathir’s 22 years as Prime Minister. The Chinese are being told to ignore the fact that PAN is basically comprised of the same PAS people who DAP hates.

Forget about those 1,000 bad things, DAP tells the Chinese. Just focus on one good thing. And that one good thing is a vote for PKR, PAN or PPBM is a vote for DAP and that vote will help DAP get into Putrajaya to lead a new non-Malay-dominated Federal Government.

