Impossible for Mahathir and Pakatan to Drop 1MDB Without Looking Foolish!

The Malaysian Observer

Have you ever known a man who will continue to drive down the wrong road knowing that it is wrong instead of admitting the mistake and asking for directions?

This is pretty much what Tun Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan have done with respect to the issue of 1Malaysia Development Berhad or 1MDB.  If they have not known from the onset of their crusade to use 1MDB against the Prime Minister was bogus, they certainly knew early that there was no proof.

The DAP’s very own Tony Pua who was part of the Parliament Accounts Committee found no wrongdoing on the part of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.  So one has to wonder what is with the latest plea from Pakatan Harapan for an investigative look into 1MDB.

Is Tony Pua now saying the he and the other members of the PAC were too incompetent to investigate the matter?  If so why was he willing to undertake the process?

If in fact the PAC investigative process was not flawed then what has subsequently taken place since then is a desperate attempt to find some legal body that will say that Prime Minister Najib is guilty of something.

Therefore we first saw the PAC investigation: No blamed assigned to the Prime Minister.

Then there was the USA Department of Justice (DoJ) with their questionable motives: Again, no name specified.  I guess innocence until proven guilty still applies to some degree there.

After Tun Mahathir’s hope in DoJ quickly flamed out, he had his emissaries turn their attention to the House of Commons:  But that hope fizzled out faster than the hope that he place in the DoJ; even Pakatan’s UK Sarawak Report mouthpiece Clare Rewcastle-Brown was unsuccessful to get a UK court to parrot her belief that Malaysia’s government and leaders are corrupt.


