Guan Eng angry that 1MDB’s Arul briefed PAS instead of Tony Pua

(FMT) – Why brief PAS leaders on the 1MDB issue when its boss, Arul Kanda Kandasamy, could have done the same to his detractors like DAP’s Tony Pua?

This was the question posed by DAP secretary-general and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today.

This followed a special briefing held by Arul to a select group of PAS leaders yesterday. After the briefing, PAS’ deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said Arul’s explanation had been “satisfactory”.

“It would have been much better if he answers Tony Pua, that is if he dares. So far, he has not been able to give satisfactory answers.

“He should be answering the larger issues that Pua has raised, including how the funds were spent and also the ownership of a 234-acre piece of land in Air Itam,” Lim said at a press conference today.

Lim also asked if the PAS delegation understood what Arul had spoken about and if they had posed other relevant questions.

“PAS should explain how they are satisfied, whether they are satisfied, (after) paying so much money (through 1MDB) but have got nothing in return.

“We also wonder if PAS got answers on the US Department of Justice’s investigation, purchase of pink diamonds, Jho Low’s role, etc… Were these questions answered?

“If PAS is satisfied, then they should tell us when we would get back our money,” Lim said.

Tuan Ibrahim had said 1MDB’s rationalisation plan was briefed to PAS reps during a three and half-hour-long discussion.

“Overall, we are satisfied with the explanation given by Arul, particularly on the rationalisation plan that he proposed to overcome the crisis in 1MDB,” he said.

“PAS hopes that 1MDB will be given the chance to resolve all its debts because a delay in doing so would cause interest on its loans to grow by as much as US$1.9 billion (RM8.14 billion) a year,” Tuan Ibrahim was quoted as saying.

Lim said PAS’ explanation was comparable to a parrot, mimicking what 1MDB had said all along.

