RoS trying to fix up DAP, claims Guan Eng

(FMT) – DAP says it is plain to see the Registrar of Societies (RoS) is attempting to “fix them up” by asking the party to hold re-elections so close to the next general election.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the party knew what the RoS was up to but would come up with a strategy to respond to their letter.

RoS sent a letter to DAP on July 17 asking it to hold fresh elections for its Central Executive Committee (CEC). It gave the party 14 days to respond.

DAP had demanded the letter from the RoS which earlier ordered the party to hold the re-elections through a July 7 press statement.

Lim said the party leadership had decided on the next step to take but it depended on what the RoS would say.

He hinted one option might include legal action against the registrar.

“We will only know what options for sure after we meet them. But shockingly, they have refused to meet us.

“It is ridiculous for RoS to call for new elections four years after the last party elections.

“If they want to fix us up, they must be clever going about it. Everybody knows they want to fix us up. Even an eight-year-old kid would know. Do not do it before the general election, it is so obvious,” he said at a press conference in Komtar today.

Lim said the official letter from the RoS was addressed to DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok.

“Teresa Kok will try to arrange a meeting with the RoS since they addressed the official letter to her.

“But I am surprised that the RoS does not want to meet a chief minister. Why are you so afraid?” Lim said.

