DAP MP’s analysis on Najib’s plan to stay in power full of assumptions, minister says

(Bernama) – The analysis by DAP member Liew Chin Tong on Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s strategic plan to continue remaining in power after the 14th General Election (GE14) is full of assumptions, said Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak.

He said that the Kluang Member of Parliament claimed that Najib would remain in power based on three factors namely the disorder within the Opposition, the Barisan Nasional (BN)-PAS cooperation and the success of the economic programme due to the increased exports and cordial relations with China.

“(Liew) Chin Tong claimed that following the three achievements, Najib plans to dissolve the Dewan Rakyat in September and October. This allegation is what I mean as assumption because no one knows when Najib will advise the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to do so,” he said in his blog, sskeruak.blogspot.my, today.

Describing the DAP member as dreaming with assumptions, Salleh criticised the Opposition that was dreaming everyday for the dissolution of Parliament whereas Umno and the BN were concentrating on planning for national economic growth for the prosperity of the people.

Commenting on every one of Liew’s analysis, Salleh said Najib’s confidence in the strength of Umno-BN as stated by Liew was justified.

“The opposition coalition is clearly in chaos and not united. Everyone knows that the opposition party wants to choose a candidate for the prime minister’s job but the coalition has not reached a consensus and this does not take into account the distribution of seats and constituencies that they wish to contest in.

“It is a fact that Umno and PAS have now established cordial relations. This cooperation was reached as they want to preserve national sovereignty from being disturbed by foreign intervention. Cooperating in matters concerning national interests and agreeing to oppose anyone trying to sabotage the prosperity and peace that we are enjoying,” he said.

Salleh, who is also Umno treasurer, explained that Najib’s confidence in the country’s economic prosperity was justified because the report by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) recorded a 21.2 per cent increase in exports in April 2017 to RM298.65 billion.

The value of trade between Malaysia and China stood at RM433 billion and this was expected to increase to RM694 billion in the following year.

“The World Bank in its report entitled East Asia and Pacific Economic Update stated that the rise in export trade and the national focus on infrastructure development had boosted Malaysia’s economic growth to 4.3 per cent in 2017 and will continue to expand to 4.5 per cent in 2018. Thus, this achievement will certainly give benefits to national economic growth, strength and stability,” he said.

Salleh also refuted Liew’s claim that Najib would drop several menteris besar and chief ministers as well as Umno’s top leaders.

He described Liew’s objective in making such allegations as showing that Najib did not trust the menteris besar concerned and thus reflecting that Najib’s position was weak, whereas the fact was that the Prime Minister continued to receive the support of Umno leaders, government officials and the rakyat.

“That is Liew’s assumption. From where he came to know of Najib’s strategic planning, no one knows. What he knows is that his sources are ‘mere rumours’ and also his own assumption.

“The reality is that Najib’s relations with his deputy and Umno leaders are close. There are no ripples,”he said.

On Liew’s allegation that Najib no longer received public support because he was smeared by numerous issues such as the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) group, Salleh pointed out that all issues raised had been replied by the government on numerous occasions previously.

“In Liew’s allegations, until clear evidence had been presented in court, whatever allegations hurled at Najib are purely allegations aimed at developing a negative public perception (against Najib).

“Right now, it’s clear that the people are fed up with such allegations hurled daily, public trust as well as that of the international community on the government’s transparency is increasing,” he said.

Salleh also described Liew’s analysis, which states that if there is a 15 per cent shift in the Malay support, then Umno-BN would lose in 40 Parliamentary seats in Peninsular Malaysia in the 14th General Election as perplexing.

He stressed that the 15 per cent shift in the Malay support would not go to the opposition party, but would go to Umno-BN because of the cordial relations between Umno and PAS currently had relieved the Malays.

“Truly, Liew’s assumption of Najib’s strategic planning will backfire,” he added.

