Investigate assets owned by Dr M’s children, PPBM’s Armada tells MACC

(NST) – Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) Armada has urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate the assets owned by four children of the party’s chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

PPBM Armada exco Abdul Wahazir Abdul Wahabi alleged that the quartet – Marina, Mokhzani, Mukhriz and Mirzan – own more than 480 companies since Dr Mahathir’s tenure as prime minister.

Speaking to reporters after lodging a report at the MACC office here today, Wahazir said he wanted the MACC to probe into Dr Mahathir’s children ‘unusual’ wealth.

“We did our investigation and identified that Dr Mahathir’s children own 488 companies which are still under operation.

“As an Armada exco, PPBM had taught me to reject any elements of abuse of power and embezzlement, and to always be transparent with the rakyat. A few months ago, my friends and I had met with Dr Mahathir himself and raised this issue (his children’s extent of wealth) but he denied them.

“But when we checked again, his children have been owning some companies ever since he was the prime minister,” he said.

Wahazir said such issue should have been brought up by the party’s Youth chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, who he claimed was too busy bashing him and two other exco members.

“I would like to remind Syed Saddiq not to be stupid in politics. He has a responsibility to be transparent.” said Wahazir.

Besides Wahazir, the other two excos – Muhammad Hafiz Azhar and Mohamad Taufiq Abbas have issued statements against the party’s top leadership including Dr Mahathir and party president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

