Guan Eng: Where are you, Tan Seng Giaw?

(The Star) – DAP has not been able to contact its Kepong MP Dr Tan Seng Giaw since early this year, said party secretary general Lim Guan Eng (pix).

“He has been incommunicado since early this year,” Lim, who is Penang Chief Minister, said adding the matter would be dealt with internally.

Lim declined to comment further on the matter when asked at a press conference at Komtar Wednesday on remarks made by Seng Giaw who called for the preservation of Penang’s greenery.

The Star had reported Penang MCA chairman Datuk Tan Teik Cheng as saying Seng Giaw’s comments should not be taken lightly.

Seng Giaw posted on Facebook Sunday saying the coast of Penang was changing.

“Balik Pulau is less green. The population of 850,000 require houses and employment.

“The priority is to preserve the forest and greenery,” he wrote.

