Too early to comment on FGV president/CEO Zakaria’s status, says Mohd Isa

(Bernama) – Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Abdul Isa Samad said it was still too early to make any statement on the status of FGV President and Chief Executive Officer Datuk Zakaria Arshad.

Mohd Isa said whatever decision taken by the Board of Directors would be in accordance with the procedures set.

“As the procedures have not been exhausted, I cannot make any statement. The decision to be made is under the authority of the Board of Directors,” he told reporters after attending the breaking of fast with FGV employees at Felda Residence Trolak, here today.

Isa was asked to comment on blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin’s claim that he (Isa) sought FGV board members’ support to remove Zakaria at the the board’s meeting last Friday.

Raja Petra allegedly said that the excuse Isa offered for the removal of Zakaria was over late payment from an Afghan company, Safitex to one of FGV subsidiaries for the shipment of palm oil last year.

Mohd Isa brushed aside a claim that the board solely discussed the removal of Zakaria, instead many other matters were also brought up for discussions.

One of the pertinent matters was a proposal to set up an FGV academy to train about 18,000 employees across the country on governance, he said, adding that Felda Trolak in Perak and Felda Tekam in Pahang were being considered as its site.

Mohd Isa said FGV was formulating the academy’s long- and short-term training and courses in collaboration with public institutions of higher learning, while the lecturers would be drawn internally, as well as externally.

”We want our employees, whether new or old, to be efficient and effective in their work and understand governance well,” he said.

At the event, Mohd Isa handed out aid to more than 50 orphans and Felda employees.

