‘Lim Kit Siang as a leader is as fake as a night market gold Rolex’
(Malaysia Outlook) – In its efforts to unearth the truth behind Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) 1990s foreign exchange scandal, it will be nothing more than a waste of time for the Special Task Force to seek the cooperation of DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang.
This is the opinion of former BNM adviser Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, based on what he described as the DAP stalwart’s ‘recent erratic pattern of behaviour’.
Speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today, Tunku Abdul Aziz said in the past, Lim was quick to accuse former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin of wrongdoing with regards to the losses suffered by the central bank in the forex scandal.
“Lim Kit Siang even wrote a book to reinforce his allegations of Mahathir and Daim’s criminality in this sordid affair.
“Fast forward, in today’s vastly changed political circumstances, I shall not at all be surprised if Lim Kit Siang decides that ‘discretion is the better part of valour’ and changes his tune accordingly to avoid upsetting his new, and very strange, political bedfellow,” Tunku Abdul Aziz said.
The former DAP national vice-chairman is referring to Lim and Mahathir appearing on the same side of the political fence of late, in their bid to bring down Barisan Nasional (BN).
Tunku Abdul Aziz opined that at this juncture, it is Lim who needs Mahathir more than the other way around.
“Lim Kit Siang is clearly a political animal without scruples and it seems providential that the man with whom he now shares his political destiny, Mahathir, comes out of the same morally-battered mould.
“From all appearances, Lim Kit Siang’s last great ambition, his final hurrah, is to go for the nation’s most coveted political trophy, the office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
“He won’t say that openly because that will put the fear of God in the Malays. So he needs someone like Mahathir behind whom he can hide his true intentions,” Tunku Abdul Aziz said.
This, he added, is the reason why Lim will stop at nothing, including the ‘deployment of his weapon of mass deception’ of Malay voters by keeping them ignorant of his true intentions.
“I don’t think Lim Kit Siang is going to pull out all the stops and risk his political survival by volunteering any information to the Task Force that can incriminate Mahathir and Daim.
“As a natural born-again survivor, his instinct is to be highly selective and economical with what information he will give the Task Force. In short, expect, as always, to be short-changed by Lim Kit Siang,” he pointed out.
“Or will Lim Kit Siang prove me wrong in this respect? I am told not to hold my breath; old habits die hard,” he added.
Tunku Abdul Aziz also reminded of the secret pact between Lim and Mahathir which he exposed previously, saying that this is where the pact comes in handy.
“While deeply loathing Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang needs Mahathir as the Malay face who could help him calm Malay fears.
“Also, in Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang sees someone who will be more than happy, in DAP’s own inimitably elegant language, to use a Malay to screw the Malays,” he said, adding that if Mahathir is capable of doing what he has done to Umno, the party that put him up there, then selling the Malays down the river will be a piece of cake.