Kit Siang is what Malays call kaki belit

Last night Kit Siang gave a speech in Sepang where he belit kau-kau. Kit Siang is pretending that he is honest and never lies and that Umno is lying about him every day when, in fact, he is the master of belit. On one matter alone, RUU355, Kit Siang is spinning and is lying to Malaysians. And let us reveal how he does that.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Last night, Lim Kit Siang gave a speech at PAN’s function in Sepang. For those who are not yet aware of this, PAN or Parti Amanah Negara is DAP’s Islamic party, comprising of ex-PAS leaders who are opposed to the Sharia Amendment Bill a.k.a. RUU355. In fact, PAN was not only created by DAP, it is also being funded by DAP to the tune of millions.

Kit Siang’s speech last night sounded exactly like a speech that would normally be made by a North Korean leader — a.k.a. the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. If you want to know whether it is a Kit Siang speech or not, all you need to do is to look for the key words or the favourite words that Kit Siang always uses — hegemony, kleptocracy, failed state, rogue state, save Malaysia, Umno propagandists, concoctions, falsehoods, etc. These words are Kit Siang’s ‘trademark’ and you will never find a speech, press statement or blog posting from him that does not contain these words.

Kit Siang is like an old and over-the-hill prostitute who calls another woman a whore. And this is the irony of the whole thing. Kit Siang lies through his teeth, and he gets his Red Bean Army (RBA) cyber-troopers to lie and spread propaganda, and he has the gall to accuse others of doing that. It is like Bentong Kali calling Botak Chin a gangster or Zairil Khir Johari calling Mat Sabu a womaniser.

Kit Siang’s lie that Zairil is the Malay-Muslim face of DAP

If Kit Siang is so concerned about the truth, why is he covering up for Zairil? Why is he allowing Zairil to pretend that he is a Malay-Muslim when he is not? Zairil’s name is Christopher Ross Lim and not Zairil Khir Johari and he is not a Muslim. He is a Christian. Yet Kit Siang allows this lie to continue because he wants to present Zairil as the so-called ‘Malay face’ of DAP.

Before Kit Siang talks about honesty he should first of all be honest himself.

Another lie that Kit Siang perpetuates is the lie that he is not anti-Islam. Kit Siang knows that the Sharia is an integral part of Islam and you cannot separate the Sharia from Islam — just like you cannot separate the Qur’an, the fives-time-a-day prayers, the Friday prayers, the fast, zakat, fitrah, the Haj, and so on. If you oppose the Sharia, the Qur’an, the fives-time-a-day prayers, the Friday prayers, the fast, zakat, fitrah, the Haj, etc., then you oppose Islam. (Some say if you oppose the Hadith as well then you oppose Islam — but that matter is still being debated).

Now, Kit Siang says he does not oppose Islam, the Sharia, the Qur’an, the fives-time-a-day prayers, the Friday prayers, the fast, zakat, fitrah, the Haj, and so on. He only opposes the amendments to the Sharia, more specifically the RUU355 that deals mainly with the punishment under the Sharia.

What Kit Siang is saying is he agrees that close proximity, adultery, extramarital sex, apostasy, blasphemy, heresy, sacrilege, eating pork or non-halal food, gambling, drinking intoxicating drinks or getting drunk, taking drugs, participating in beauty contests, walking around half-naked, not praying, not fasting, etc., should be crimes. And he agrees that these crimes should be punished. He just does not agree that the existing punishments should be increased further from what they already are.

Has Kit Siang explained what the existing punishments are and what they are going to be if RUU355 is approved by Parliament? Kit Siang has keep silent on this matter and has left it vague. So most people who oppose RUU355 do not know what the existing punishments are and what they are going to be if RUU355 were to be approved.

DAP is telling Malaysians the lie that the Sharia translates to Hudud so non-Muslims can oppose the Sharia

So this is a classic Kit Siang spin. He frightens you with talk of doomsday but leaves out the most important details about what he is saying. The devil, as they say, is in the details and the details are what Kit Siang does not reveal. So lying is not only in what you say but also in what you fail to say. You lie by hiding the facts and in this form of lying Kit Siang is the grand-master of them all.

Kit Siang is what the Malays would call kaki belit. And he has 51 years experience in the art of belit from the day that Lee Kuan Yew sent him back to Malaysia to take over DAP.

Kit Siang insists he is not anti-Islam. He insists he is not anti-Sharia. He insists he does not oppose the list of crimes under the Sharia. He insists he does not oppose the punishments for the crimes under the Sharia. He only opposes the increase in the punishment of these crimes that the RUU355 is proposing.

Why does Kit Siang oppose the increase in punishment that the RUU355 is proposing?

DAP and the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan wants Malaysia to be a Sharia-free country

Well, first of all he opposes a dual-judicial system. But then this dual-judicial system was already in existence since before the British came to the Tanah Melayu and long before Malaya became independent in 1957 and before Malaysia was created in 1963. So why only oppose the dual-judicial system 500 years later?

Okay, never mind. Maybe Malaysia has had this dual-judicial system since 500 years ago but that does not mean we must still retain it for another 500 years. We can always propose to abolish it so that Malaysia no longer has a dual-judicial system but has a single judicial system.

Personally I have no problems with that. But is Kit Siang saying that if the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan comes to power and gets to form the next Federal Government they are going to abolish the Sharia Courts and Malaysia will have a single judicial system?

You see, Kit Siang says that a dual-judicial system is wrong but he does not want to say whether they will change this if Pakatan Harapan comes to power. So that is another lie — a lie of not revealing the truth. If Pakatan Harapan is opposed to a dual-judicial system are they going to abolish it if they come to power? Why do they not tell us? Why refuse to reveal this so that the voters will know what they will be getting if they vote for the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan?

DAP’s Muslim partners help spread the lie that the RUU355 is not about the Sharia amendment but about implementing Hudud

The Sharia only involves Muslims. So what are non-Muslims like Kit Siang interfering in matters concerning Islam? Well, according to Kit Siang, he feels that it is unfair that Muslims receive more severe punishments than non-Muslims who commit the same crime. Kit Siang feels that Muslims and non-Muslims should receive the same punishment and that Muslims should not receive a higher punishment.

Do non-Muslims get punished for close proximity, adultery, extramarital sex, apostasy, blasphemy, heresy, sacrilege, eating pork or non-halal food, gambling, drinking intoxicating drinks or getting drunk, taking drugs, participating in beauty contests, walking around half-naked, not praying, not fasting, and so on?

Only Muslims face punishment under the Sharia for these crimes. Non-Muslims are exempt and can live as immoral as they wish. So the only way Muslims and non-Muslims can be treated the same and will receive the same punishment would be:

1. Make close proximity, adultery, extramarital sex, apostasy, blasphemy, heresy, sacrilege, eating pork or non-halal food, gambling, drinking intoxicating drinks or getting drunk, taking drugs, participating in beauty contests, walking around half-naked, not praying, not fasting, and so on, also crimes for non-Muslims.

2. Also exempt Muslims from punishment for the crimes of close proximity, adultery, extramarital sex, apostasy, blasphemy, heresy, sacrilege, eating pork or non-halal food, gambling, drinking intoxicating drinks or getting drunk, taking drugs, participating in beauty contests, walking around half-naked, not praying, not fasting, etc.

So which one is Kit Siang proposing so that it will be fair to Muslims and so that both Muslims and non-Muslims get treated the same and receive the same punishment for crimes under the Sharia? The ball is now at Kit Siang’s feet. Let us see whether he is really as honest as he pretends to be or whether he is just one mother of kaki belit.


Muka kaki belit: Kit Siang is the master-spinner and has turned lying into an art form
