‘That’s not how it works,’ says IGP to groups demanding proof over Maria’s arrest


(The Star) – Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar has denied requests for evidence showing that Maria Chin Abdullah’s arrest is not related to the Bersih 5 Rally.

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP) said Maria’s detention was in accordance with the law and police standard operating procedure, adding such a request was nonsensical.

“I know some parties are asking us to show proof but that is not how it works.

“Let us conduct our investigation and we will present our findings to the Attorney-General,” he told a press conference after presenting ranks to senior police officers in Bukit Aman here on Friday.

Bersih has repeatedly called for the IGP to produce evidence that the arrest of its leader Maria is not related to the Bersih 5 rally.

Asked if the police intend to hold Maria for the entire 28-day detention period allowed under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) 2012, Khalid replied that it depended on the investigation.

On allegations that Maria’s family did not know where she was being detained, Khalid said she was being held at a police remand centre.

“Even the lawyers know where she is being held, how come the family doesn’t know?” he questioned.

He also responded to allegations that Maria was being held in a windowless cell, saying her detention was in accordance with the police’s SOP.

“We don’t provide hotel rooms for detainees. Our SOP is in accordance to international standards,” he said.

