Malaysian police raid Bersih 2.0 office in Petaling Jaya


(CNA) – Malaysian police raided the office of electoral reform group Bersih 2.0 in Petaling Jaya on Friday (Nov 18), on the eve of its planned protest in Kuala Lumpur.

According to the group’s Twitter page, Bukit Aman police threatened to seize items in its office. “Bersih 2.0 office is currently being raided by Bukit Aman police, who are threatening to seize items.”

Lawyers were not allowed to enter the office, according to the group’s Twitter page.

But the group remained upbeat, writing in a post on their Facebook page that “this won’t break our spirit. The more they push us, the more we will rise… See you tomorrow on the streets!”

Bersih is holding its fifth rally on Saturday in Kuala Lumpur. Its previous four rallies saw tens of thousands of Malaysians take to the streets to press for institutional reforms and the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Razak, whom they blamed for corruption and abuse of power.

The Red Shirts, a rightwing group aligned to Najib and his ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), has vowed to confront protesters.

Najib has warned both the Red Shirts and Bersih supporters against any violent confrontations during the demonstration this weekend, telling the official Bernama news agency on Thursday that “that’s not the culture that we will want to be accepted as our way of life in Malaysia.” Malaysian police have also warned that tear gas and water cannons could be used.

