Muhyiddin backs out of agreement


(The Star) – The plan to sign a “co-operation agreement” between Pakatan Harapan and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia at the coalition’s convention tomorrow has been put off after Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin backed off at the last minute.

The Parti Pribumi president, who had agreed to come on board, is believed to have asked for a postponement because he wants more time to think things over.

His decision will take the oomph! out of the first Pakatan Harapan convention since it was set up last year to replace Pakatan Rakyat.

A Pakatan Harapan source said the signing ceremony to welcome Pribumi into the Pakatan Harapan family was meant to be the highlight of the convention where Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad will make a keynote address. This was despite Muhyiddin agreeing to the plan at a meeting with top Pakatan Harapan leaders on Tuesday afternoon.

A day after the meeting, Muhyiddin spoke at a ceramah in Sijankang, Kuala Langat, alongside Meru assemblyman Dr Rani Osman and Sijankang assemblyman Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi of PAS.

PKR assemblyman for Kota Anggerik, Yaakob Sapari, was also one of the speakers.

The next day, Muhyiddin contacted the Pakatan Harapan leaders to request for a delay in signing the co-operation agreement, stressing, however, that he had no issues with the content.

It is understood that Muhyiddin claimed he needed more discussion with Pakatan Harapan leaders regarding their relationship with DAP and Amanah.

It is also learnt that Muhyiddin was in favour of forming his own opposition coalition which would include Parti Pribumi, PKR and PAS. His coalition would work alongside Pakatan Harapan. However, Pakatan Harapan leaders were not receptive to the proposal.

The crux of the co-operation agreement is to ensure a one-to-one contest with Barisan Nasional in the general election.

The accord also states their stand on the Federal Constitution, Islam, the Malay rulers, the position of the Malays, the Malay language, and Sabah and Sarawak.

The agreement also states that Pakatan Harapan will continue to negotiate with other Opposition parties and that the Reformasi agenda will be respected.

Pakatan Rakyat, which had comprised DAP, PKR and PAS, was officially pronounced dead in July last year after PAS was ejected from the group.
