Najib did not sell country to communists by signing MoUs with China

Shahrum Sharif

(The Sun Daily) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak is not selling Malaysia to China nor is he rubbing shoulders with communists.

Shahrum Sharif (pix) (BN-Dengkil) said it is regrettable that Ng Suee Lim (DAP-Sekinchan) seems to think so and it is unbecoming of him to state this in the state assembly.

“I feel like Sekinchan’s comments are overboard. It is prejudicial of him to link communism with Malaysia and China’s bilateral relations,” Shahrum told reporters at the state assembly annex building today.

He said the important thing is that Malaysia will potentially reap huge economic benefits after signing more than RM140 billion worth of agreements and MoUs with China after an official visit there by Najib.

Shahrum said even though China will own sizeable assets here, they cannot move the assets overseas and these will create jobs from which Malaysians will benefit.

He also noted that China has overtaken the US as the world’s biggest economy and there is much for Malaysia to gain by improving bilateral relations with the country.

Ng said during his Budget 2017 debate that it was hypocritical of the federal government, which is anti-communist, to cosy up to China and make deals worth hundreds of billions.

“The federal government fought communists in the past, but now they are making deals with the communists in China,” he told the Dewan today.

Meanwhile, Shahrum said Umno Supreme Council member Tan Sri Annuar Musa is spot on in saying DAP is acting superior over other Opposition parties.

He said this is especially true in the DAP-led Penang state government and also in the Selangor state government, where he claimed Malays lack the political clout to fight for bumiputera rights.

Shahrum said the lack of Bumiputera-centric policies in Selangor’s Budget 2017 and the removal of bumiputera property discounts is evidence of this.

The state government announced on Aug 30 that Soho and Sovo developers are to allocate between 10% to 20% of their developments as affordable units priced between RM230,000 to RM270,000.

The 10% Bumiputera discount does not apply to affordable units but the state government has repeatedly stated that the discount is still available on other properties and has not been abolished as claimed.
