Pakatan faces leadership crisis in Sabah as leaders quit

Pakatan Sabah

From Left: Janz Wong form DAP, Terrance and Lajim from PKR announced their departure from Pakatan Harapan heading for calls from the people; Sabah for Sabahans to join a local party for a better platform.

(Malaysia Outlook) – Pakatan Harapan was struck by a leadership crisis in Sabah when several local leaders from PKR and DAP quit their respective parties today.

The departing leaders are all set to join a local party to be led by former Umno vice president Mohd Shafie Apdal.

Klias assemblyman and Sabah PKR chief Lajim Ukin led the exodus when he announced his departure from the party, citing calls by Sabahans for a local party to champion their rights as a main for his decision.

Lajim’s quit notice, which he announced before his supporters at Kota Kinabalu today, finally ended a long running speculation that he would leave PKR to join Shafie.

Lajim said that it was high time Sabahans and Sarawakians not to be branded as Barisan Nasional (BN) ‘fixed deposits’, adding that “people from both states should be aware of their rights.”

Following his footsteps was Sabah PKR information chief and Moyog assemblyman Terrence Siambun.

In quitting PKR, Terrence urged opposition parties in Sabah to unite as they all have the same objective – to topple BN.

Terrance said that he has resigned from all his posts in PKR with the blessing of the party president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

Sabah PKR women movement chief Johair Matlani and Sabah PKR secretary general Maijol Mahap have also announced their resignation from the party.

Not to be outdone, Sabah DAP secretary and Likas assemblyman Junz Wong citing similar reasons of “Sabah for Sabahans” and a local party would be a better platform to champion Sabahan rights quit his party.

