PAS in Pakatan: Azmin calls for collective effort


PKR deputy president says all parties and individuals must return to the drawing board and discuss what’s best for the country and the people.

(FMT) – PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali said that opposition parties must be united in order to usher PAS back into Pakatan Harapan.

“I believe that it’s going to be a collective effort. All parties and individuals must come back to the drawing board and discuss what’s best for the country and the people,” he said to reporters at the Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC).

Yesterday, Parti Pribumi Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin had expressed confidence in convincing PAS to join the opposition coalition.

Muhyiddin said that his party would be able to act as a “glue” to get PAS on their side in taking on Barisan Nasional at the next general election.

However, Azmin said: “I think each and everyone of us has a role to play (in uniting opposition parties).”

Selangor PAS commissioner Iskandar Abdul Samad had also said that Muhyiddin could act as a negotiator for Pakatan Harapan and PAS to avoid a multi-cornered fight with BN. However, Iskandar also noted that it was unlikely for PAS to join Pakatan Harapan as the party still had problems with DAP.
