DAP dared to pull out its troops to force a snap poll in Selangor


Political observer Azizi has dared Tony Pua to withdraw DAP assemblymen from the Selangor government to force a snap state election.

(Malaysia Outlook) – A political observer today dared the DAP to pull out from Selangor government to force a snap state poll.

Prominent commentator Azizi Safar said Selangor DAP chairman Tony Pua Kiam Wee, instead of trying to ‘sweet talk’, should actually coerce Menteri Besar Azmin Ali to call for a snap election.

“The best way is quit en bloc from the PKR-led state government to force a snap poll,” said Azizi in a text message to Malaysia Outlook.

“After all, DAP will have the support of its proxy party Amanah.”

He was referring to the on-going DAP political play to force a snap election in Selangor, citing the current redelineation exercise carried out by the Election Commission (EC) as the main reason.

DAP leaders like Lim Kit Siang and Tony Pua have claimed the redelineation exercise was in favour of Barisan Nasional and Umno in particular.

They claimed the EC had redrawn electoral boundaries to make it difficult for Pakatan Harapan to regain Selangor in the next 14th General Election (GE14).

The DAP leaders have called on Azmin to dissolve the state assembly and call on for a snap election in Selangor before the redelineation process was completed.

Tony Pua said the decision was made during the Selangor DAP emergency meeting held yesterday.

The decision, he said, was made based on Selangor DAP’s analysis of projected electoral result after the redelineation exercise was completed.

“We don’t think we can win, but chances of winning will definitely be better than after redelineation,” said Tony Pua, who is also the Petaling Jaya Utara MP.

However, Azmin, who is also the PKR deputy president, has so far insisted that he was not keen to dissolve the 56-member Selangor assembly to pave way for a snap election.

But Tony Pua has mocked Azmin for not calling on for a snap state poll.

“If you ask anybody on the street, they would also say the same thing.

“You would be stupid to say we should only have an election after the redelineation is completed,” Tony Pua.

