Bersih is pointless and waste of time


(Malaysia Outlook) – A former PKR leader today slammed the forthcoming Bersih 5.0 rally as “pointless and a total waste of time”.

Raymond Suppiah said Bersih 5 rally was driven towards “ill-intentions to topple the ruling government” at the expense of national interest.

The ex-PKR Lembah Pantai division deputy information chief said leaders booming fromBersih rallies were only looking after their own interests rather than national struggles.

“Those leaders championing Bersih 5 are not upholding the movement’s core principles but yielding towards their personal agenda,” said Suppiah, who was once actively involved in ‘Refomasi’ and Bersih campaigns.

“Desperate politicians are playing with the people’s mind claiming Bersih’s struggles are for the future Malaysia.

“But public are not rational enough to figure out their hidden agenda,” the 47-year old activist told Malaysia Outlook today.

A non-governmental organisation (NGO) Persatuan Kebajikan Sesama Warga Kuala Lumpur (SESAMA), presided by Suppiah, had lodged a police report against the upcoming Bersih 5 rally.

SESAMA secretary P. Jeganathan, 46, lodged the report at Brickfields police station in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.

“Each time after a demonstration take place, so many chaotic situations occurred, public infrastructures were damaged and rubbish seen thrown everywhere around the vicinity,” said Jeganathan, referring to previous Bersih rallies.

“In a previous Bersih rally, we have noticed public uncontrollably damaged police cars during the demonstration to voice out their distress and anger.

“There are so many proper channels to voice out opinions instead of holding street demonstrations like this.”


