Mahathir offers assistance to Anwar’s legal team


The former premier has instructed his lawyers to liase with Anwar’s team to see how they can assist in challenging the NSC Act.

(FMT) – Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla will speak with former Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s legal team sometime next week.

Speaking to FMT, Haniff said this was strictly pertaining to Anwar’s attempt to challenge the National Security Council (NSC) Act, which is an issue of great concern to the former premier.

“Mahathir visited Anwar in court on Monday as he is very concerned as to the effect of that Act on our country.

“There, he asked Anwar about the case and offered assistance to support the application.

“The following day, Mahathir instructed me to liase with Anwar’s lawyers and see how we can contribute, by way of law, to support the application.”

Haniff said his team was looking into the matter and would communicate with Anwar’s lawyers latest by next week.

“We’ll take it from there. If there is any way we and Mahathir can contribute, of course we will assist Anwar’s team with the application.

“Once we have done that, then we will be in a better position to let you all (the media) know how Mahathir is able to assist legally.”

Anwar, who is currently serving a five-year prison term for sodomy, had on Monday appeared in the Kuala Lumpur High Court to challenge the implementation of the NSC Act.

Mahathir had made an unscheduled visit and was photographed shaking hands with his former deputy-turned-nemesis. It was their first meeting after 18 years.
