PAS: Hadi’s Bill nothing to do with hudud


Takiyuddin says media people created the term ‘Hudud Bill’ and PAS will hold a media workshop so they can understand what it’s all about.

(FMT) – The private member’s bill often called the Hudud Bill has nothing to do with hudud (Islamic criminal penalties), according to Takiyuddin Hassan, secretary-general of the Islamic party PAS.

The bill was tabled in the Dewan Rakyat by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang in May and is scheduled for debate in October.

Takiyuddin, speaking to reporters today, said no one from PAS had ever called the bill the Hudud Bill or claimed it had anything to do with hudud.

The bill seeks to amend the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act and expand the powers of the shariah courts so that the shariah courts in Kelantan, which operate under state law, may impose some Islamic criminal penalties.

Speaking at a press conference in conjunction with the Hari Raya celebrations of the Malay rights group Perkasa, he said the amendment was merely to enhance shariah Courts which he said had even less power than the magistrate’s court under civil law.

He said the word hudud was used by the media for the Bill, and showed the media’s lack of understanding of both hudud and the proposed amendments.

Takiyuddin said PAS would hold a media workshop to give all media personnel, especially non-Muslims, including bloggers and feature writers, a better understanding of the proposed amendments.

“It will be soon and certainly before the next Parliament proceedings in October.”

He said the proposed amendments would affect only Muslims and that the freedom of non-Muslims to practise their own religions was already enshrined in the Federal Constitution “so what is there to be afraid of?”.

Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali urged all Muslim MPs to support the proposed amendments and said non-Muslim MPs should study the amendments thoroughly before making a decision on it.

“Do not politicize the matter. Read the documents and even get in touch with PAS for clarification so that whatever you decide is done so in good faith,” he said.

