Protest if you dare, says Umno leader

tajuddin rahman

Tajuddin Abdul Rahman reminds protesters that Lim Guan Eng and Mahathir Mohamad are making use of ordinary people to safeguard their own political interests.

(FMT) – Go ahead and protest, an Umno leader has told those planning a street demonstration following the US Department of Justice’s (DoJ) lawsuits on Wednesday.

Umno Supreme Council Member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman said that if the people dared to protest, they should also be prepared to face the consequences.

The deputy agriculture and agro-based industry minister told FMT he also believed the protest, confirmed to be on the cards by Bersih 2.0 Chairman Maria Chin Abdullah, would not attract much of a crowd.

“In fact, I don’t think some of the Opposition members are even interested in the idea as not many of them are willing to take the risk of being thrown into prison for breaking the law.

“Talk can lah. But when the time comes when they think they might be arrested, all will start scrambling.

“As it is, they are making so much noise even after being locked up for one, two days. So, I want to ask them; how many of you are willing to go to prison?”

He was commenting on Chin’s statement today that the electoral reform group was mulling organising another peaceful assembly following lawsuits filed by the DoJ to seize assets bought using funds allegedly siphoned off from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

The protest plan was supported by Opposition leaders as well as former Premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who urged the public to step up their game and exert more pressure on Prime Minister Najib Razak and his government.

Tajuddin, on the other hand, called for the public to spend their time on activities that would benefit their families and society instead.

He also said those calling for the street protest were only looking after their own political interests and should participants face trouble with the law, there would be no one to help them.

“My advice to the ordinary citizen is: don’t be stupid and join them (Opposition leaders).

“If you get into trouble, if you are arrested, (Penang Chief Minister) Lim Guan Eng, and even Mahathir, are not going to take you out of the lockup.

“They are just making use of the ordinary people.”
