What is Muhyiddin hiding?


Why did Muhyiddin Yassin absent himself from the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum after confirming his attendance? And would this event not have been the perfect forum for Muhyiddin to explain the allegation that he is having an affair with someone’s wife plus deny the existence of the SD that accuses him of this affair?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When the NGO SukaGuam organised the ‘Nothing to Hide’ forum 13 months ago in June 2015, it was so that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak could answer 15 questions regarding 1MDB. All had been agreed, the 15 questions, Najib’s attendance, and the objective of the event.

Then Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad decided to hijack the event and turn it into a mob lynching party à la Wild, Wild West. Mahathir was going to bombard Najib with allegations and the Prime Minister was going to be asked to prove his innocence and show evidence that all the allegations are false.

That would be like putting Anwar Ibrahim on stage and asking him to prove he did not have sex with so many young boys and Chinese prostitutes. How does Anwar do that? It would be impossible. Anyway there are confessions by young boys and video/CCTV tapes so it would be even harder for Anwar to deny the allegations let alone prove them false.

Mahathir hijacked the ‘Nothing to Hide’ forum so that he could turn it into a personal duel between him and Najib. Mahathir wanted to take Najib one-on-one 15 rounds in the ring. The only problem is Mahathir would be punching with two hands while Najib would have both his hands tied behind his back.

I mean how do you win a fight when someone is going to say, “You stole 42 billion ringgit! Now prove you did not!” Where do you go from there? Does Najib reply the same way Mahathir would normally reply when asked about the allegations against him — it has never been proven?

Yes, that is how Mahathir replies when you accuse him of anything. But when it comes to Najib, Mahathir will not accept that type of reply or a mere denial. He wants proof of innocence.

The ‘Nothing to Hide’ forum in June last year was not supposed to be a personal one-on-one public duel between Mahathir and Najib. But that was what Mahathir wanted to turn it into. And the police adviced Najib to give the event a miss because it would have been chaotic and it may even end up into something very serious and physical

Anyway, Mahathir then tried to grab the stage and turn the event into a Najib-bashing exercise but the police stopped it. They knew that the whole thing would have got out of hand and there was even a danger to Mahathir’s safety. And if something bad were to happen to Mahathir then the police would be blamed for it.

Yesterday, Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) organised the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum. According to the organiser, they met Muhyiddin Yassin to confirm his attendance, although that is now being denied.

The ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum was organised to enable Muhyiddin to explain the allegation that he is having an affair with Nika Gee and which resulted in her husband filing for a divorce. In the Statutory Declaration filed by Nika Gee’s husband, he states his wife’s long-term affair with Muhyiddin as one of the reasons.

So the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum was so that Muhyiddin can explain this matter of the affair and the SD. But Muhyiddin chose to absent himself. Hence the matter has gone unexplained.

Why did Muhyiddin not take the opportunity to clear the air on this matter? He denies that he was invited but he admits that he knew about the event because the media had already reported it much earlier.

In other words, he confesses he was aware of the event but he says he was not invited and that was why he did not attend. Mahathir was also not invited to the ‘Nothing to Hide’ forum in June last year but that did not stop him from attending.

More importantly, while Muhyiddin denies that he was invited to the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum (which is why he did not attend it) he does not deny the allegation of the affair or the existence of the SD. Hence that allegation plus the SD still stands.

But would it not have been good if he had attended the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum yesterday and stood on stage and deny that he is having an affair with Nika Gee and also deny that there is an SD signed by her husband accusing her of having an affair with Muhyiddin? Then once and for all this matter would have been put to sleep.

Instead, now people are going to say if Muhyiddin has nothing to hide then why did he refuse to attend the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ forum after confirming he was going to attend?



Saya mengecam sekeras-kerasnya tindakan Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) menganjurkan program “Nothing to Hide 2.0” pada 3 Julai 2016 di Kelab Darul Ehsan. Presiden JMM, Azwandin Hamzah, jelas berbohong apabila mengatakan saya telah menyatakan persetujuan untuk hadir ke program tersebut dalam pertemuan empat mata antara saya dengan beliau. Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa saya tidak pernah berjumpa dengan beliau, tidak pernah menyatakan persetujuan untuk menghadiri program itu dan tidak pernah menerima apa-apa jemputan daripada JMM. Kenyataan Azwandin adalah satu pembohongan besar yang bertujuan untuk mengelirukan orang ramai dan menjatuhkan reputasi saya.

Untuk rekod, saya telah mengarahkan pegawai saya untuk membuat penafian mengenai penyertaan saya dalam program tersebut di laman Facebook rasmi saya. Apabila mengetahui JMM terus mengedarkan hebahan mengenai program itu dan menjemput orang ramai untuk hadir, saya sekali lagi mengarahkan pegawai saya untuk membuat penafian di media. Saya juga telah meminta pegawai saya menghubungi JMM secara terus untuk menafikan penglibatan saya, namun beberapa panggilan yang dibuat kepada Azwandin telah tidak dijawab oleh beliau.

Saya mengetahui melalui laporan media bahawa JMM tetap menganjurkan program tersebut walaupun penafian telah dibuat oleh pihak saya. Malah program itu telah dijadikan pentas untuk mengecam saya dan membohongi hadirin kononnya saya telah mungkir janji untuk menghadirinya. Saya diberitahu ramai hadirin bertindak meninggalkan majlis selepas mendapati pihak penganjur berbohong mengenai kehadiran saya.

Tindak tanduk JMM jelas menunjukkan mereka sebenarnya berkomplot untuk menjatuhkan reputasi saya dengan membayangkan saya sebagai seorang pengecut dan tidak boleh dipercayai kerana gagal menghadiri program tersebut. Sedangkan pihak saya telah lebih awal membuat penafian secara rasmi mengenai penglibatan saya. Penting untuk diketahui bahawa program “Nothing to Hide 2.0” adalah satu komplot jahat yang dilakukan secara terancang oleh pihak yang rendah moral dan muflis akhlak.

Saya berasa amat sedih dan kecewa kerana ada pemimpin NGO Melayu yang sanggup berbohong dan menabur fitnah apalagi di penghujung Ramadhan yang mulia ini di mana umat Islam dituntut meningkatkan amal ibadah dan memohon ke hadrat Ilahi supaya mengampunkan segala dosa dan kesalahan kita. Begitu juga dengan sikap tidak bertanggungjawab TV3 yang turut bersubahat menyebarkan pembohongan yang sama. Semoga Allah s.w.t memberikan petunjuk kepada mereka semua.


