Opposition political strategy: talk bad about the government and absorb the Umno rejects


Every time someone resigns or gets sacked from the ruling party or government the opposition will pick them up and use them to travel round Malaysia to condemn the government and the Prime Minister. This is how the opposition hopes to form the next federal government.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There are two news items today regarding ex-Umno leaders Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz Mahathir and their relationship with the opposition, which you can read here:

Amanah ready to accept Muhyiddin, Mukhriz 

Wanted: Muhyiddin, Mukhriz to break Umno

Now that Umno has officially kicked out Muhyiddin and Mukhriz, the opposition, in particular PAS splinter party PAN, wants to absorb them as members.

The opposition’s political strategy is very simple. First, talk bad about the government. Secondly, absorb all those Umno or Barisan Nasional people who have resigned or have been sacked from their party.

And even better than the above would be to absorb all those Umno or Barisan Nasional people who have resigned or have been sacked from their party and use them to travel all over Malaysia to talk bad about the government.

This has always been the opposition strategy, which they used in last month’s Sarawak state election and the two recent parliamentary by-elections in Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar.

Of course, this strategy did not bear any results but then not many in the opposition have heard the saying that lunacy is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.

So they keep doing the same thing over and over again and keep announcing that this time the results are going to be different and then when the results are no different they will scream cheating, fraud, unfair, unjust, undemocratic, and so on (and even accost a poor Bangladeshi on the way for a date with his Indonesian girlfriend).

Yesterday, Finance Minister II Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah resigned from all his posts in the government and the party. The opposition immediately started praising him as a man of principles, a towering Malay, a patriotic Malaysian, God’s gift to the world, a handsome man, the smartest person ever born, and many other things.

They also suggested he immediately join the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) and Pakatan Harapan and participate in the road-show together with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin and Mukhriz that will travel the length and breadth of Malaysia to run down the government and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

Why did Husni resign yesterday? It really does not matter. We can always explain that he can no longer stomach all the lies, abuse of power, corruption and cover-ups and finally he said enough is enough and decided to do the sincere, noble and honest thing and resign.

How long was Husni a Minister? Seven years. Did he just find out that the party and government he is serving is corrupt to the core? Yes, he just found out on Sunday and that was why he resigned the next day on Monday.

So what was he doing those seven years while serving as a Finance Minister? Was he sleeping? How did he only find out just two days ago that the party and government he is serving are corrupt to the core?

Oops, sorry, he did not just find out two days ago. That would make him the stupidest Finance Minister (never mind I, II, III or whatever) not only in Malaysian history but in the history of the entire world as well.

Actually, Husni is cleverer than that. He knew all along over those seven years that his party and the government he was serving are corrupt to the core. And that was why he resigned yesterday — because after seven years of keeping quiet and closing both eyes and his mouth to all those lies, abuse of power, corruption and cover-ups, he finally decided enough is enough and decided to do the sincere, noble and honest thing and resign.

Come again! A man who says he knew for seven years that his party and the government he was serving are corrupt to the core but decided after seven years of closing both eyes and his mouth to get out because he is noble, honest and sincere? What next are you going to tell us, that Santa stays at the North Pole and his little elves make all those toys that the children receive on Christmas Day?

Actually there is a different reason from what they are telling us as to why Husni resigned. But I will save his face and not reveal that real reason if he will stop pretending he his sincere, honest and noble and resigned because he can no longer stand the lies, abuse of power, corruption and cover-ups after closing both his eyes and mouth for seven years and pretended that nothing was wrong.

Let me put it this way. Kamaruddin Jaafar is an orphan who was adopted by a fisherman and his family in Tumpat. When Anwar Ibrahim was in the government, Kamaruddin linked up with Vincent Tan and became a multi-millionaire due to the billions of projects that their company got from Anwar. Mahathir, in fact, exposed Kamaruddin as one of those hundreds of cronies of Anwar who became rich by abusing their relationship with Anwar.

And now he is the darling of the opposition?

Muhammad Muhammad Taib is said to be the most corrupt Menteri Besar in Selangor history — more corrupt than Khir Toyo who was sent to jail. Mat Taib was caught smuggling millions into and out of Australia and ran way with the Selangor Sultan’s daughter to illegally get married in Thailand (and then swore to the Sultan in the name of Allah that he never married HRH’s daughter).

And now he is the darling of the opposition?

Mahathir was called Mahazalim and Mahafiraun when he was the Prime Minister and many compared him to Idi Aman, Mugabi, Suharto, Marcos, and even Hitler. He was said to have cost the nation RM200 billion, RM100 billion of that which Mahathir sailang and parked under proxies.

And now he is the darling of the opposition?

Muhyiddin was said to be the most corrupt Menteri Besar in Johor history and even Mahathir declared him ‘my richest Minister’. A Divorce case is ongoing with Muhyiddin mentioned as the person whom the wife of that man seeking a divorce is having an affair with.

And now he is the darling of the opposition?

Then we come to Mukhriz, another darling of the opposition. Okay, let us do it this way. Why don’t YOU tell me how much ALL Mahathir’s children are worth and explain to us where their money came from? Itu lagi senang. Saya sudah letih tulis.

