Stop grumbling, Muhyiddin, just show us the SD


Muhyiddin Yassin has denied that he is involved in an affair with someone else’s wife and said that the allegation is slanderous. Well, in that case why doesn’t he prove it? Why just deny it? We need proof that he is not having an affair with someone else’s wife just like he wants Najib to prove he did not steal RM50 billion.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s running mate in the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign), Muhyiddin Yassin, is grumbling that he is being slandered. That is rich coming from someone who has spent the best part of the last 18 months slandering Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

Did Muhyiddin not say he wants Najib ousted so that he can save Malaysia? And save Malaysia from what or from whom? Well, save Malaysia from Najib who has stolen RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money.

How does Muhyiddin know that Najib stole RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money? Well, Muhyiddin read this in The Edge and whatever he knows about the matter is based on what The Edge reported.

Was the matter of 1MDB not clarified at the weekly Cabinet meetings and was not at least one of those meetings chaired by Muhyiddin himself? Muhyiddin is not too clear about what the Cabinet discussed, even the meeting he chaired. He only knows what he read in The Edge.

But was not The Edge implicated in buying stolen data (and is being sued for not paying the US$2 million they were supposed to have paid the seller — or paid but the US$2 million was hijacked by a Mat Salleh woman) and was not this data doctored?

Muhyiddin does not know anything about that. He only knows that Najib stole RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money because this is what he read in The Edge.

Okay, let us assume that Muhyiddin has limited mental capabilities (and how the hell did he became the Deputy Prime Minister if that is so?) so he cannot rationalise and deduce correctly. Is Muhyiddin able to offer any evidence to support his allegation that Najib stole RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money?

Well, he does not need to do that. Instead, Najib must prove he is innocent and that he did not steal RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money. If Najib is not guilty of stealing RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money then he must prove his innocence.

So there you have it. That is how it works in Malaysia. Najib is guilty unless and until he can prove he is innocent because The Edge says so. Well, then Muhyiddin is guilty unless and until he can prove he is innocent because Malaysia Today says so.

The Wall Street Journal says that ‘according to investigators involved in the case’, ‘according to insider reports’, and ‘according to documents that they have sighted’, Najib is guilty of stealing RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money.

And then The Edge and Sarawak Report carry this story and based on what The Edge reported this is proof enough that Najib is guilty of stealing RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money. They do not need any further evidence.

Well, let me assure you that ‘according to people involved in this case’ and ‘according to insiders’ information I received’ and ‘according to the documents I have sighted’, Muhyiddin is guilty of an affair with another man’s wife.

Same rules, same standards!

Since Najib has to prove he did not steal RM42 billion and probably even more than RM50 billion of the taxpayers’ money, Muhyiddin must also prove he did not have an affair with another man’s wife.

Same rules, same standards!

Probably we can start with Muhyiddin showing us a copy of the Statutory Declaration. Muhyiddin, show us a copy of that SD and prove that your name is not mentioned in that SD. The SD that I saw clearly stated your name. If you have a copy of that SD then show it to us and prove that your name is not mentioned in it.

Why so difficult? Why just deny? If Najib denies you will not believe. If Arul Kanda denies you will not believe. If 1MDB denies you will not believe. So stop denying and just show us a copy of that SD and prove that your name is not mentioned in that SD.

