Mat Sabu supports Hudud and Hadi’s Syariah Amendment Bill


One message is that Mat Sabu and PAN support Hadi’s private member’s bill on the Syariah amendments (RUU355) plus also supports Hudud. And the second message is that PAN is still deciding and has not made up its mind yet and will announce their position after the two by-elections. Is this the proper Islamic thing to do or is Islam no longer part of Mat Sabu’s and PAN’s agenda?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

“Religious policing turning Malaysia into apartheid state, Zaid says,” reported the Malay Mail Online (READ HERE). “Mahathir opposes Hudud as unjust,” said another Malay Mail Online news report (READ HERE).

In those two news reports, both Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Zaid Ibrahim of the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) oppose Islamic or Syariah laws, which they regard as unfair and unjust. Basically, they do not agree for Malaysia to have two sets of laws that punish Muslims and non-Muslims differently. Zaid even calls it a form of apartheid.

And, of course, they oppose Hudud even more.

In other words, as what Zaid argued, if non-Muslims can eat/drink during Ramadhan, can drink beer/liquor, can have sex with anyone they want other than their spouses, can live together out of wedlock, can leave their religion and even become atheists, and so on, then it is very unjust to punish Muslims for doing the same thing.

Actually, it was Mahathir who elevated the position of the Syariah court so that they became equal to the magistrates’ court. And the Attorney General has no authority over the Syariah court, which means the Syariah courts are a power by themselves and can run riot if they want to.

Why Mahathir created what they now consider a monster and then complain about this monster is quite perplexing. And to make it worse, Parliament can pass laws and even if the Rulers do not agree to these laws and refuse to sign the Bill they will still automatically become law in 30 days anyway. So, if the Rulers, who are actually supposed to be in charge of Islam, do not agree with some new form of legislation it does not matter anyway. There’s nothing they can do about it.

This is a very dangerous situation that Mahathir has put Malaysia under because, in theory, Malaysia can be turned into an Islamic Republic just like Iran (of course, in theory only, because in practice the Muslims will never have enough seats in Parliament for that to happen since Malays will never unite in 1,000 years).

Anyway, today, Mahathir and Zaid have started campaigning for PAN a.k.a. Amanah in the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections. But then how is Mat Sabu, PAN’s President, going to explain Mahathir’s and Zaid’s anti-Syariah and anti-Hudud stand to the PAN supporters and the Malay voters in those two constituencies?

Just a few months ago Mat Sabu said that he not only supports Abdul Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill on the Syariah amendments (RUU355), but he also said he supports Hudud (see video and the news item below). But then the de facto Opposition Leader, Mahathir, plus PAN’s promoter and benefactor, DAP, and Zaid as well, are all saying the opposite.

So what is Mat Sabu’s and PAN’s position on this? Is it still the same as a few months ago or has it now changed? Mat Sabu needs to make it very clear because we are receiving two different and conflicting messages.

One message is that Mat Sabu and PAN support Hadi’s private member’s bill on the Syariah amendments (RUU355) plus also supports Hudud. And the second message is that PAN is still deciding and has not made up its mind yet and will announce their position after the two by-elections. Is this the proper Islamic thing to do or is Islam no longer part of Mat Sabu’s and PAN’s agenda?


Mat Sabu akan berunding dengan DAP, PKR berhubung pelaksanaan hudud

(Borneo Post, 7 September 2015) – Pengerusi Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH) Pusat Mohamad Sabu (Mat Sabu) akan mengadakan rundingan dengan DAP dan PKR berhubung pelaksanaan hukum hudud.

Jelas Mat Sabu, sebagai sebuah parti dengan ideologi Islam, AMANAH tidak menolak hudud sebagai sebahagian daripada ajaran Islam.

Namun sebarang sokongan untuk pelaksanaan hudud hanya akan dibuat jika mendapat persetujuan bersama daripada rakan pakatan iaitu DAP dan PKR.

“Ahli-ahli Parlimen AMANAH hanya akan menyokong pelaksanaan hukum hudud jika mendapat sokongan daripada DAP dan PKR.”

“Jika mereka menolak cadangan pelaksanaan hukum hudud maka AMANAH juga tidak menyokong hudud dari segi perundangannya dalam negara,” katanya.

Mat Sabu berkata demikian pada Majlis Penerangan dan Perasmian AMANAH Sarawak di salah sebuah hotel di sini semalam.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Mat Sabu berkata AMANAH pusat akan memberi kuasa autonomi kepada AMANAH Sarawak dalam mentadbir parti.

Dengan cara ini, katanya AMANAH Sarawak akan mempunyai kuasa sepenuhnya untuk membuat sebarang keputusan berhubung parti.

Dalam pada itu, AMANAH yang merupakan nama rasmi baharu mengantikan Gerakan Harapan Baru akan bermesyuarat dalam masa terdekat ini bagi menukar lambang parti.

Sebagai sebuah parti yang bercorak inklusif, AMANAH menurut Mat Sabu merupakan platform penting untuk menyedarkan rakyat bahawa integriti negara dan kerajaan telah hilang kewibawaan.

