Blog: Dr M, Kit Siang taking a leaf out of Anwar’s playbook


Pro-Umno website says supporters of former PM and DAP supremo taken for a ride over move to oust Najib

(FMT) – Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Lim Kit Siang are pulling the same stunt that Anwar Ibrahim did when he claimed in 2008, a few months after the 12th general election, that he would be the country’s next prime minister on September 16 that year, a pro-Umno blog said.

The article said that the former prime minister and DAP supremo are misleading Malaysians into believing the Citizens’ Declaration could oust the Prime Minister.

An article by pointed out that Mahathir had previously admitted he was banking on the discretion of the Council of Rulers to get Najib to resign as the declaration alone was insufficient.

The Federal Constitution, it noted, did not empower the Rulers to sack the nation’s number one.

The blog then questioned how could Mahathir pin his hopes on the Council of Rulers to demand Najib’s resignation if the Rulers themselves did not have the power to do so.

“I feel sorry for their supporters who have been fed with false hopes and are not aware that they are being taken for a ride based on incorrect facts.

“Maybe they think that whatever Mahathir says is the truth,” the blog said.

The report said Mahathir and Lim’s supporters were nothing but pawns and tools in Mahathir’s games.

Apart from demanding Najib’s resignation, the Citizens’ Declaration – spearheaded by Mahathir – is also pushing for institutional reforms.

The initiative was launched in March and saw the participation of politicians from Umno and opposition parties, as well as NGOs and civil societies.

Yesterday, the Save Malaysia movement reported that 500,000 signatures were collected, contradicting claims by former Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir that its target of a million signatures had been obtained.
