Yes, Rafidah, let’s fix broken Malaysia


What a real irony. Dr Mahathir, who hates the Royal Family and condemns the Monarchy, now needs the Sultan to save his son’s sorry ass. Tunku Abdul Rahman must be looking down from wherever he is and must be laughing his guts out seeing what is happening in his home state of Kedah.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Ex-Trade Minister Rafidah Aziz wants the Malays to throw away their crutches. She wants the Malays to stand on their own two feet and not depend on the government. She wants all the ‘protection’ and the special position and the privileges of the Malays to be abolished. (SEE THE NEWS ITEM BELOW).

Well, that was one of the issues in the quarrel between Lee Kuan Yew and Tunku Abdul Rahman — which eventually resulted in Singapore leaving Malaysia and what used to be part of the Johor-Malay Sultanate becoming an independent Chinese nation.

And that, too, has been the perjuangan of the DAP, that saw birth after Singapore split from Malaysia and the Singapore-based PAP was banned from operating in Malaysia. DAP is an offspring of PAP just like Amanah is an offspring of DAP.

So Rafidah wants to fix broken Malaysia. Well, that was what I, too, have been saying for 20 years. But at that time when I said all that I was accused of being anti-Umno, of being a Communist, of being a traitor to my race and whatnot. I was even accused of being an apostate who had left Islam to become a Christian. That was how repugnant they considered what I said back then, which Rafidah is saying today.

There are many things wrong with Malaysia. Even Umno people will admit that. But we cannot fix everything in one day. Some need time and some can be done immediately. So let us focus on the clear and present danger that needs immediate intensive care and leave some of the other issues that only require outpatient treatment for another day.

The one issue that is troubling the whole world, and is creating tension in Europe, and is causing a lot of misery to millions of people, and which may trigger a Third World War, and which is affecting the oil price, and which is causing financial problems for many countries, Malaysia included, is Islam — or rather the way Muslims interpret and practice Islam.

So we need to solve this immediate problem first, the clear and present danger to Malaysia. So how do we do that?

The problem started when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced that Malaysia is already an Islamic country so we do not need PAS to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State. Then Dr Mahathir elevated the status of the Shariah court to be at par with the Common Law court.

After that all hell broke loose.

Then Dr Mahathir goaded PAS and dared them to introduce Hudud in Terengganu. And if PAS does not dare introduce Hudud in Terengganu then the party is a bloody hypocrite.

So PAS did just that. They passed the amendment to the Shariah law in the Terengganu State Assembly and that caused DAP to leave the opposition coalition, Barisan Alternatif. And since then PAS and DAP have never had a good relationship. At best it was a love-hate relationship.

And it was Dr Mahathir who threw the bait to PAS and DAP and they swallowed the bait like the fooking idiots that they are — and got wiped out and lost their pants in the 2004 general election.

Dr Mahathir proved what most of suspected all along — that PAS and DAP are fooking idiots. And they still are as the recent breakup of Pakatan Rakyat has proven.

Anyway, the issue I want to talk about is not that. What I want to talk about is that Islam is a problem. And it is the problem the world over. The Middle East is in turmoil. Europe is in turmoil. Millions are suffering. And millions more are dead or dying. And it is all because of just one word — Islam.

So we need to establish one thing. Is Malaysia a Secular State — like DAP, PKR and Amanah say — or is Malaysia an Islamic country or Islamic State — like Dr Mahathir and PAS say?

If what Pakatan says is true — that Malaysia is a Secular State — then that would mean religion cannot interfere in our life. In a Secular State religion has no business telling us what to do.

So why are people being arrested and getting charged in court for so-called crimes against Islam? And why does the government interfere in the right of Christians to preach Christianity to Muslims? And why are Muslims prevented from leaving Islam or from drinking beer or from engaging in sex outside marriage, etc?

In a Secular State Islam has no fooking business interfering in what we do. I can even call Prophet Muhammad a paedophile if I want to and the government has no right to tell me that I cannot do that. That is the ‘beauty’ of a Secular State.

So, let us fix that problem first before we take on the other issues. Is Malaysia a Secular State as Pakatan Harapan says? If Pakatan Harapan is right and Malaysia is a Secular State, then all together now, join me in one loud chorus, “FOOK ISLAM!”

Yes, that is how they do it in Paris and many other cities in Secular Europe.

By the way, Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir says that HRH the Sultan of Kedah is not happy with the anti-Mukhriz gang. That is most interesting. Does that mean Mukhriz is going to stay on as Menteri Besar? And does that mean he is going to stay on as Menteri Besar because the Sultan says so?

I am glad that the Sultan is going to decide who should be the Kedah Menteri Besar. I am glad that the ANC (Anti-Najib Campaign) and Pakatan Harapan are supporting what HRH the Sultan of Kedah is doing.

The reason I am glad is because the same thing happened in Selangor just over a year ago and when I said that HRH the Sultan of Selangor has the prerogative and that it is within his powers to decide who should be the Menteri Besar, both the Sultan and I were brutally whacked.

Many leading lawyers and constitutional experts issued statements and wrote articles and opinion pieces saying that the Sultan was wrong. They accused the Sultan of interfering in politics. They condemned the Sultan and warned HRH that if he continues to interfere in politics then Malaysians might just abolish the Monarchy and turn the country into a Republic.

Well, this Kedah issue is a good test case. If Mukhriz remains as Menteri Besar because the Sultan wants him to stay then what Pakatan and all those leading lawyers and constitutional experts said about HRH the Sultan of Selangor was wrong.

Let us see whether Pakatan Harapan and all those leading lawyers and constitutional experts raise a stink in Kedah like they did in Selangor.

The Selangor Sultan is a fooking bastard for refusing to remove Khalid Ibrahim and then, when he finally agreed to accept Khalid’s resignation, he refused to appoint Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the new Menteri Besar.

Will Pakatan Harapan and all those leading lawyers and constitutional experts also call HRH the Sultan of Kedah a fooking bastard for refusing to allow Mukhriz to go?

What a real irony. Dr Mahathir, who hates the Royal Family and condemns the Monarchy, now needs the Sultan to save his son’s sorry ass. Tunku Abdul Rahman must be looking down from wherever he is and must be laughing his guts out seeing what is happening in his home state of Kedah.


Rafidah hopes Malaysia will move forward

(The Star) – Former Cabinet minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz hopes a clear path for Malaysia to move forward, past the problems the nation is facing.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, the Umno veteran said, “Please provide a clear way for our nation to go forward. And guide those whom we have entrusted with responsibilities of governance, to follow the right path.”

Rafidah said Malaysia was resilient enough to bounce back from the economic problems with the right policies and measures.

“But when the issues have to do with questions pertaining to credibility, trust, confidence about the system and those entrusted with taking charge of the system, then it’s a different ball game.

“It will take more than an economic fix, more than policy initiatives. It requires a firm grip on what it will take to repair the broken parts of the system and start repairing,” said Rafidah.

She added that the system could only function with the dedication and commitment of the “custodians” of the country.

