So why does Dr Mahathir really want Najib ousted?


In fact, Dr Mahathir arranged meetings with the MCA leaders, the Chinese association and clan leaders, the Chinese educationists, the Chinese businessmen and Chambers of Commerce leaders, etc., and told them to vote opposition.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I ended my previous article by asking, “So why does Dr Mahathir really want Najib ousted?” (READ HERE)

Well, it all depends on what time of the day and what day of the week and what week of the year you ask this question. At different times the reason will be different. Depending on his mood, Dr Mahathir keeps moving the goalpost and keeps giving different reasons as to why Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak needs to be ousted.

In May 2013, Dr Mahathir said that Najib must be ousted because the Chinese no longer support the government and he blamed Najib for that. In fact, he whacked the Chinese (the very same people who now support him against Najib) and said nasty things about them and blamed them for the election disaster (READ THE BERNAMA NEWS ITEM BELOW).

So, in May 2013, the reason why Dr Mahathir wanted Najib replaced was so that the Malays will not lose political power to the Chinese. Unless Malaysia gets a new Prime Minister the Chinese will continue to vote for DAP and would never vote for Barisan Nasional.

This was the same reason Dr Mahathir gave when he wanted Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) ousted. It was because Barisan Nasional did very badly in the March 2008 general election and he blamed Pak Lah for that. Hence Pak Lah needs to go and someone else must take over.

One point that Dr Mahathir did not mention is that in 2006 and 2007 he went all over Malaysia to not only campaign against Pak Lah but also against Umno and Barisan Nasional. At all the places he went he gave talks and held press conferences and told Malaysians to vote opposition just to teach Umno and Barisan Nasional a lesson.

So it was Dr Mahathir who told us to vote opposition and we Bloggers (both the opposition as well as pro-government Bloggers) united and supported Dr Mahathir in his bid to oust Pak Lah. In fact, we joined Dr Mahathir’s tour all over Malaysia to report on what the old man was saying.

We even organised the first Bersih rally in November 2007, which was a joint-effort between the opposition and the pro-government political activists and Bloggers. And that two-year effort saw Barisan Nasional get whacked kau-kau in the March 2008 general election.

So Dr Mahathir blames Najib for the outcome of the 2013 general election. But then in the 2008 general election he told Malaysians to vote opposition to teach Umno and Barisan Nasional a lesson.

In fact, Dr Mahathir arranged meetings with the MCA leaders, the Chinese association and clan leaders, the Chinese educationists, the Chinese businessmen and Chambers of Commerce leaders, etc., and told them to vote opposition.

Then, after the March 2008 general election, he blamed Pak Lah for that and told him to resign. And, after the May 2013 general election, he blamed Najib for it and also told him to resign.

But that reason why Najib should resign was short-lived. When that did not work he moved the goalposts yet again and changed to another reason, which we will talk about in the next article.


It’s Chinese tsunami aided by power-crazy Malays: Mahathir

(Bernama, 7 May 2013) — Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the outcome of the 13th general election showed a “Chinese tsunami,” aided by a group of power-crazy Malays.

He said he had mentioned during the election campaign, for example, in Johor, there was the concept of good power-sharing among the Malays, Chinese and Indians all this while.

“But Kit Siang (DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang) came and brought his ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ concept aimed at creating Chinese hatred towards the Malays; that they (the Malays) purportedly gained everything after independence,” he told a press conference at the Perdana Leadership Foundation building, here, today.

Mahathir said the sentiments spread throughout the country until the Chinese community rejected the “hand of friendship” of the Malay community, resulting in the “Chinese tsunami” in the GE13.

He was earlier asked to comment on the statement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, attributing the defeat of outgoing Johor menteri besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman in the contest for the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat mainly to the “Chinese tsunami,” which saw the voters’ massive support for the opposition.

Dr Mahathir noted that the Malay community was getting weaker and more divided due to the attitude of some Malays who were hungry for power and positions to the extent of forgetting the community’s basic struggle for its race, religion and country.

“They want to gain power in whatever way. Even if they have to sell their own race to get what they want, they will do it,” he said.

The Malay community, he said, did not understand the real concept of a general election, held for the purpose of forming a government, but many regarded it as a platform to serve their own interest, so much so the community had become disunited.

“They think the general election is for getting positions, salary, job opportunity,…if they become a Yang Berhormat, they can get allowances and other benefits like projects, but forget that it’s about struggling for the people, religion and country.

Dr Mahathir also said that the opposition pact’s plan to hold street demonstrations if they lost in the GE13 was aimed at drawing sympathy from western countries which seemed unhappy with the development achieved by Malaysia led by Malay Muslims.

“Islam is now a universal enemy of many people in the west. They don’t want to see a country achieving development success under Muslim leadership, and will thus keep condemning the Malaysian government,” he said.

