Son of “New Year’s Eve Bullshit”
KTemoc Konsiders
Malaysia-Today followed up on its article on an allegation by an ISMA and PAS leader Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki, that the DAP was offered RM1.2 billion by Israel to win GE-13, following which (hypothetically after Pakatan had captured Putrajaya) it would build for Israel a military training camp as a reward for its election campaign donor.
This was after it published my riposte, my assessment of the training camp offer as sheer bullshit, in my post New Year’s Eve bullshit, in which I dismissed on military technical grounds any reason for Israel to desire such a training establishment in Malaysia.
Thanks Pet (RPK) for kindly posting my article.
Anyway, Malaysia-Today has now published DAP has to prove its innocence. Please read it as it’s an interesting write-up, as most RPK’s articles have been. I left comments on this post as follows (slightly edited to fit it into this new post but without altering the contents in any significant way):
Pet, in your previous post on subject, I read this:
***The action of Perak DAP economic development bureau chief Chong Zhemin in questioning the government’s move of denying visas to two Israeli windsurfers attending a tournament in Langkawi has raised questions about the relationship between the party and Israel.PAS research director (PPP) Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki said the matter was not new and had been raised by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s former special officer Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman four years ago.
“The allegation that was made by Mohamed Razali about DAP’s relationship with Israel is serious and is a threat to national security and the sensitivity of Muslims in Malaysia.***
I have some difficulty in accepting what Dr Zuhdi said was that the statement by Chong Zhemin is not as serious as the statement by Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, the special officer to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, four years ago.
As I see or read it, Dr Mohd Zuhdi did not make any comparative distinction between the seriousness of Chong Zhemin’s accusation against the federal government or the alleged link between DAP and Israel.
Rather, he went straight for DAP’s jugular by recalling and reminding us of Razali’s allegation 4 years ago, one which, as reported by Rakyat Post, ” … has raised questions about the relationship between the party and Israel”, in other words, an allegation of a conspiracy between the party and Israel.
To reiterate, Dr Zuhdi said: “The allegation that was made by Mohamed Razali about DAP’s relationship with Israel is serious and is a threat to national security and the sensitivity of Muslims in Malaysia. Mohamed Razali has made about three allegations and until now there has been no clear denial from DAP,”
In other words, Dr Zuhdi tells us DAP’s alleged (and as yet undenied) relationship with Israel is serious and is not only a threat to the sensitivity of Muslims in Malaysia but also (far more seriously) to Malaysia’s national security.
Thus the only output of Chong Zhemin’s putty brouhaha was to indicate an alleged connection between DAP and Israel.
All this gives me impetus to bring out another post, wakakaka. Thanks matey.
Let me re-emphasize my take on DAP’s Chong Zhemin’s role in the affair, as “The only output of Chong Zemin’s putty brouhaha was to indicate an alleged connection between DAP and Israel”.
In other words, it provided an opportunity for Dr Zudhi Marzuki to raise the allegation of a conspiracy forged between Israel and DAP.
But should we absolve Dr Zudhi from making this tall tale as someone merely repeating what Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, a former DAP member, said four years ago?