Where is Tong Kooi Ong?


So the truth is now out. The AG, who is alleged to be a crony of the Prime Minister and who is alleged to be an obstacle in the investigation actually wanted the whole thing concluded last month. MACC, however, is the one delaying the investigation and refuses to meet the deadline and asked for an extension until the end of the year.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Attorney General, Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali, gave the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) until the end of October 2015 to wrap up its investigations into both the 1MDB and RM2.6 billion issues. And he wants the file that will be handed to him to include the statement of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

However, Parliament starts in October and in December Umno will be holding its AGM. Hence MACC does not wish to see this whole affair wrapped up by October because in November they are going to try to oust Najib though a vote of no confidence in Parliament, and if that fails they will try again through the Umno general assembly in December.

So MACC asked for an extension and the AG gave them until the end of this year. By the end of this year it does not matter anyway because Najib will either have been ousted by then — or he would still be in office and therefore would remain in office for some time to come.

So the MACC investigation would be of no consequence, unless they have evidence that a crime has indeed been committed — and if they did have that evidence you can bet your bottom dollar that by now they would have arrested Najib and he would be in the next cell to Anwar Ibrahim in the Sungai Buloh Prison.

So the truth is now out. The AG, who is alleged to be a crony of the Prime Minister and who is alleged to be an obstacle in the investigation actually wanted the whole thing concluded last month. MACC, however, is the one delaying the investigation and refuses to meet the deadline and asked for an extension until the end of the year.

What Malaysia Today alleged earlier, therefore, is true. MACC wants to drag this issue as long as they can because as long as the file is still open they can raid houses and offices and confiscate documents and computers and sell information to the alternative and online media for a lot of money.

If MACC had submitted its report to the AG by last month as requested, and if in that report there is no evidence of any crime, the move to oust the Prime Minister would totally collapse. Without the evidence the AG would be forced to stamp the file NFA and that would be the end of the conspiracy. Najib would be home free.

As it stands now, MACC (and hence the AG as well) has not given Najib a clean bill of health. And since MACC (and hence the AG as well) has not declared Najib innocent, we must, therefore, assume he is guilty. This is a simple doctrine of guilty until proven innocent.

Meanwhile, the next round of media attacks is being planned. Both the local and foreign media will be utilised to attack Najib over the next one month until mid-December. This is the final push to get rid of Najib before Christmas because if that does not happen before Christmas then it is never going to happen.

Tong Kooi Ong has disappeared and although his Malaysian passport has been cancelled that is of no consequence because he possesses a few other passports which he can use to travel. Tong was last spotted in Scotland where he met up with a certain British Blogger cum journalist where they discussed the next wave of attacks.

The one-time adviser to MACC who was arrested also made a trip to the UK where he, too, met this same British Blogger cum journalist to deliver the latest documents from MACC — again, which will be used in the attacks over this next one month. So the guns are ready and the ammunition has been loaded. It is now only waiting for the signal to shoot.

The AG has asked Najib to explain the RM2.6 billion and the Prime Minister has confirmed that he would. And he would most likely not only give his statement to MACC but will also address Parliament to once and for all lay this matter to rest.

The President of 1MDB, Arul Kanda Kandasamy, will also be giving his statement at the PAC hearing on 1st December 2015 — and it is said he is ready with all the papers to clear the air regarding the allegations that RM42 billion has disappeared into thin air and that Najib stole 1MDB’s money.

With all that out of the way what else do they have to use against Najib? Well, there will still be one more thing not yet out of the way. And that one thing is MACC’s report to the AG. And that is why they did not want to hand in their report last month as the AG requested.

MACC asked for an extension till the end of the year so that in mid-December they can try to oust Najib during the Umno assembly. If MACC’s report to the AG had been handed in by October then in December the Umno assembly would not have any issues with Najib and the move to oust him during the assembly would be a non-starter. That is how the game is supposed to be played out.

