1MDB: DAP’s agenda to sabotage the rationalisation plan


DAP’s agenda was designed to frustrate and impede the implementation of the 1MDB rationalisation plan.

(Free Malaysia Today) – The investigations by the lawful authorities are the appropriate forum for the facts and truth to be established on 1MDB, said the company in a statement. “We are therefore surprised that the DAP seems intent on continuing to make a public spectacle of this, driven by what we can only assume are political point scoring considerations.”

It is clear that the DAP’s agenda was driven only by politics and was designed to frustrate and impede the implementation of the 1MDB rationalization plan, towards which the company continues to make good progress, said the statement. “1MDB has pledged and continues to provide full cooperation to all lawful authorities investigating the company.”

“We have consistently maintained that if any wrongdoing is found, then action must be taken under the law.”

The company was commenting on statements issued on Friday by DAP. “As the DAP knows well, 1MDB was currently under investigation by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and the Auditor-General,” said the 1MDB statement.

