1MDB lodges police report on sale of classified documents


The company decided to lodge the police report following inaction on the part of the authorities concerning the sale of its classified information

(Free Malaysia Today) – 1MDB confirmed in a statement that it filed a police report on Monday “on actions by one or more parties, whom we suspect have leaked and/or sold confidential or proprietary information”.

“It is our belief, that such actions were taken with one or more malicious intents and may have breached Malaysian laws,” said the company in the statement. “These include but are not limited to, the Penal Code, the Official Secrets Act 1972, the Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952 and the Standing Orders of the Dewan Rakyat of Malaysia.”

“We have full faith and confidence in the investigative ability and professionalism of the lawful authorities to take all actions required to uphold the laws of Malaysia.

The company said that it decided to lodge the police report following inaction on the part of the authorities concerned on previous leakages of its information.

The police report, it conceded, was also triggered off by the Sarawak Report – “a foreign-run online blog that is currently blocked in Malaysia for publishing stolen and forged materials” – carrying for the second time in as many days, “an article based on what appears to be authentic 1MDB Board meeting minutes”.

The company noted with concern the latest “expose” follows previous statements by Sarawak Report acknowledging that it has obtained documents from Bank Negara investigations, and cited specifically as an example “… according to documents obtained by Sarawak Report from the Bank Negara investigations into investments by the fund”.


