Matthias Chang joins Khairuddin Abu Hassan under SOSMA detention


(Malay Mail Online) – Matthias Chang, the lawyer for a former Umno leader detained under Malaysia’s anti-terrorism law, has been arrested under the same Act today.

Chang confirmed with Malay Mail Online that he has been detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) 2012.

“I have already been arrested. I’m at Dang Wangi now with my lawyers. I’ve been detained under the Sosma act,” he said when contacted, referring to the Dang Wangi police headquarters.

Chang was acting as counsel for former Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan, who was was detained on September 23 for 28 days under SOSMA after a global tour to solicit investigations by other countries into 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

When contacted, Chang’s lawyer Mohd Akmal Afiq Mohamad said his client is being investigated under Sections 124K and 124L of the Penal Code, similar to Khairuddin.

Sections 124K and 124L deal with sabotage and attempting to sabotage the state respectively.

The lawyer said Chang was informed by the Dang Wangi police that he would be detained when he went there to visit Khairuddin earlier this afternoon.

“As soon as he just finished visiting Khairuddin and left the room, the investigating officer told us that he is being detained under SOSMA as well,” he told Malay Mail Online.

Akmal added that the police have notified that they are detaining Chang for 24 hours today before applying for a 28-day detention under the SOSMA provision tomorrow.

Khairuddin had kicked off the tour following a series of reports by US-based business daily Wall Street Journal alleging dubious activities involving the state-owned firm.

He was first arrested on September 18, the day he was reportedly due to fly to New York in the US to meet with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and was remanded a further six days the following day.

Both men were also barred by the authorities from leaving the country.

