Aspan: Daulat Tuanku! Najib should heed Rulers


If the wrongdoing was on the part of mere government officials, 1MDB would not have been brought to the attention of the Rulers.

(Free Malaysia Today) – A political analyst has taken to his blog to express the hope that with the pre-council meeting of the Conference of Rulers taking a stand on the trouble-stricken 1MDB and advising that the scandal be brought to an end and closure sought, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. “I hope that the ‘intervention’ of the Rulers will ultimately bring the issue to rest. Daulat Tuanku!”, says Aspan Alias.

“The Rulers want the scandal to be resolved soon in order to end the leadership crisis and the crisis of confidence in the country which has put the nation to shame. The Rulers want everyone involved in the scandal to face the law. The Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal, Syed Danial Syed Ahmad himself issued the statement on behalf of the Rulers, calling on all parties concerned to co-operate with the investigators to bring an end to the matter with full transparency.”

Aspan added that he was with the rest of the Malaysian public too on the 1MDB scandal. “We want to see this serious issue come to an end, as early as possible, as it’s too unbearable. There’s pressure to see the truth prevail.”

The “intervention” by the Rulers in the 1MDB scandal, said Aspan, strengthens the perception of the people and the international community that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has to answer the many questions to which people want answers. “Najib has not been able to give the right answers to the right questions directed at him.”

The fact that the Rulers discussed the 1MDB scandal, said Aspan, can only mean that it was brought to their attention because Najib’s name keeps coming up. “If the wrongdoing was on the part of lesser mortals, mere government officials, 1MDB would not have been brought to the attention of the Rulers or considered by them.”


