PAS officially cuts ties with DAP

Dr Nik Zawawi Salleh

(The Star) – PAS’ Syura Council has officially decided to uphold the decision of its muktamar (general assembly) to cut ties with DAP, after a month long drama that has put Pakatan Rakyat’s status as a coalition in limbo.

Datuk Dr Nik Zawawi Salleh said the decision was made as the party was disappointed with DAP’s fervent “provocation” against PAS, by breaching Pakatan Rakyat’s cooperation spirit.

He also said DAP has constantly interfered in PAS’ struggles, policies and objectives.

“Therefore, the Syura Council decided to revoke tahaluf siyasi (political cooperation). But at the same time, we will maintain ties with PKR,” the Syura Council’s secretary said in a statement, Saturday.

He also said that PAS will continue its ties with any party through the same tahaluf siyasi concept be it other political parties and non-Muslim NGO’s.

“However, PAS will hold strongly to the Islamic policies in any political cooperation,” he said.

Dr Nik Zawawi added that this decision would then be handed to PAS’ central committee to be executed.

During PAS’ muktamar in Kuala Selangor in June, the party had approved a motion by the Ulama wing to sever ties with DAP, but to remain in Pakatan Rakyat.

This prompted DAP’s Lim Guan Eng to act swiftly, telling his PAS counterparts who held government posts in Penang administration to adhere to the decision by stepping down.

Appeared to be taken aback by such order, PAS insisted that the muktamar’s decision was not final and it had to be deliberated by the Syura council.

Despite all that, DAP continued to declare that Pakatan Rakyat had ceased to exist, whether or not the Syura Council had made its decision as the motion was already approved by the party’s general assembly.

PKR had also appeared to agree with DAP, with its president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail saying that Pakatan no longer functions normally as a coalition.

The Selangor Pakatan government’s status also came under question after DAP leaders said that the coalition was no more.

The state leaders are expected to hold another meeting after Hari Raya, as the last one they had was not able to reach any consensus.

