DAP and PKR fail to reach decision on Selangor’s political future


(The Star) – DAP and PKR from Selangor have met to discuss the future of Pakatan Rakyat in the state, but have not made any decision on the matter yet.

The meeting was held at Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali’s office on Tuesday.

Selangor DAP chairman Tony Pua both parties had had a fruitful meeting.

“We had a constructive discussion and exchange of ideas about the status of the Selangor state government and the current crisis,” said Pua when met with his entourage at the state secretariat lobby.

He said PKR and DAP understood each other’s position better after the 30-minute meeting.

“We will meet again after Raya to discuss further,” said Pua adding that a variety of ideas and suggestions were proposed at the meeting.

He also said the meeting was not about the state exco positions but about the state government.

PKR has four seats and both DAP and PAS have three seats respectively in the state executive council.

When asked if the discussion was about forming a new coalition as opposed to Pakatan Rakyat, which the DAP national leadership had declared no longer exists, Pua declined to divulge any information.

“It is better to keep the discussion together with the MB (Mentri Besar Azmin Ali),” he said.

DAP and PAS have been at each other’s throats after the Islamist party moved to implement hudud in Kelantan.

The matter worsened after PAS’ Ulama Council called for the party to sever ties with DAP during its recent muktamar.

Later, Azmin told newsmen that the meeting with DAP was a routine discussion.

“For me its a just a normal meeting as I have regular meeting with other leaders,” said Azmin.

To a question if the discussion revolved around the ‘crisis’ as stated by Pua earlier, Azmin was quick shoot it down.

“There is no crisis in Selangor.

“As I have guaranteed, the state is stable and strong and we are concentrating on developing Selangor-based on the policies that have been agreed upon,” he added.

He concurred with Pua that no decision had been made on anything and the discussion was harmonious, productive and constructive.

Besides Pua, DAP was represented by Selangor leaders Gobind Singh Deo, Hannah Yeoh, Datuk Teng Chang Khim and Ean Yong Hian Wah.

In addition to Azmin, PKR was represented by Zuraida Kamaruddin, N. Surendran, Dr Xavier Jayakumar and Hee Loy Sian.

