New PAS leadership lacks honour, says Guan Eng


Penang CM says they have unashamedly held on to state government posts despite the PAS Assembly saying it no longer supported DAP.

(Free Malaysia Today) – The new PAS leadership, charged Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, has not only no honour but also lacks principles.

However, he hastened to add, “the Penang Government has a close working relationship with the PAS ordinary membership in the state”.

Unfortunately, he added, the new PAS leadership and their supporters in Penang still unashamedly hold on to state government posts despite the PAS Assembly no longer supporting DAP.

Lim was expressing regret that new PAS vice president Idris Ahmad had labelled his call to PAS government representatives to resign as tantamount to extremism and racism and further claimed that it was causing a negative perception among Malays. “PAS was behaving like Umno,” he said. “I did announce that any vacated posts by PAS will be filled by Malays who support the Penang Government headed by me.”

He stressed that it was the PAS Assembly which had earlier passed a motion, without debate, to sever ties with DAP and that directly or indirectly serves to undermine the Penang Government led by him and which also includes other Exco from DAP.

Lim expressed alarm that PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang had even talked of a unity government with Umno and had further declared that the ruling party in Putrajaya was no longer “firaun”(Pharoah)” as they had previously stated during ceramah.

“Former Deputy President Mohamad Sabu thinks that Umno was actually delighted with the PAS election results this year, with Najib even welcoming the prospect of working with PAS.”

Lim wants to know how the four PAS Councilors, for example, can serve in the Penang Government effectively when they have severed ties with DAP, of which he’s Secretary-General.

PAS should not hide like how Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was hiding from Mahathir Mohamad on the 1MDB scandal, he ventured. “It should bravely bear full responsibility for killing off Pakatan, when the PAS Muktamar accepted without debate a motion by their Dewan Ulama to sever ties with DAP.”

Logically, he said, PAS should then direct their government representatives to resign their posts since they are no longer part of Pakatan.

PAS new leadership’s refusal to direct their government representatives to resign and the embarrassing spectacle of four PAS councilors clinging to their posts, he reiterated, has devalued the dignity and honour of PAS in the eyes of the public.


