We’re done being ‘slapped around’, PAS MP tells DAP


(Malay Mail Online) – PAS’ Nasruddin Hassan explained today that its clergy ulama wing had proposed severing ties with DAP as it can no longer tolerate being “slapped around” by its Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ally.

The Temerloh MP said PAS cannot afford to be an unrequited lover in its relationship with the Democratic Socialists Party, when the leaders from DAP keep insulting and deriding the party and its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

“Brothers, they have slapped us too many times… Finally, we gave them a slap and they got a taste of their own medicine,” Nasruddin said while representing the ulama wing debating Abdul Hadi’s keynote address.

“Don’t let this reality happen. Don’t challenge our patience. Although we from the ulama wing are mostly clad in skullcaps, turbans and robes, don’t forget that under these robes there are still elbows and knees that we can use against you.”

Nasruddin claimed there is nothing “weird” with the wing’s motion to stay in PR despite wishing to sever ties with DAP. It was unanimously passed by the wing and will be tabled in the main muktamar tomorrow.

He pointed out to DAP’s decision to exit PR in Sabah and Sarawak, and to sever ties with Abdul Hadi but not PAS, which he said were even “weirder.”

During its muktamar on Wednesday, the ulama wing had accused ally DAP of meddling with the party’s internal polls this week, pointing to the latter’s decision to reconsider its position in PR based on PAS’ muktamar this year.

The ulama wing’s acting chief Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamad said DAP’s purported interference is a “provocative” move, which he said can nullify the tahaluf siyasi, or political consensus, between PAS and its PR allies.

