Dr M takes over dialogue, not so fast say cops


PM skips event due to security threats at PWTC as fracas breaks out outside Dewan Tun Hussein Onn leaving Mahathir to take the stage instead.

(Free Malaysia Today) – In a dramatic turn of events, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad took charge of a public event intended to feature Prime Minister Najib Razak when the latter failed to show up as promised.

Around 10.15am, organisers of the “Nothing2Hide” dialogue announced that the prime minister at the request of the Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar, was giving the event a miss due to security threats.

Right after this stunning yet disappointing announcement, Mahathir, flanked by his supporters strode into the hall and took to the stage amidst thunderous applause from the crowd.

Organisers seemed happy enough to accommodate Mahathir’s impromptu speech at first, but after about five minutes into his tirade against Najib, a group of what appeared to be high-ranking police officers asked him to wrap up and leave the stage.

A scuffle then broke out near the stage area with the media trying to record the scene as the crowd jeered.

Refusing to budge, Mahathir was heard telling the cops present that the people deserved to hear what he had to say.

Some sections of the crowd appeared to be irritated by the presence of the media and started hurling insults at newsmen, accusing them of “buat kecoh” (being a nuisance).

After much discussion, the police relented, consenting to Mahathir holding a press conference instead.

Earlier when speaking to the crowd, Mahathir accused Najib of being a weak leader who often bowed down to foreign powers like the United States and Singapore.

“Even to build a high speed railway, he seeks permission from the Prime Minister of Singapore,” he said.

“It’s almost as if we are still being colonised.”


