Declaring he has ‘warrior spirit’, Najib says he will not back down


(Malay Mail Online) – Prime Minsiter Datuk Seri Najib Razak today declared that he will fight on to keep his post, amid increasing pressure for him to step down over the federal government’s handling of the debt-laden 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

He told a crowd of an estimated 10,000 people gathered at a “Sarawak for Najib” rally in Kuching that he should not be underestimated as he has “warrior spirit”.

“I will work harder. The blood in me is not any blood. Sometimes I might look very diplomatic. But I have warrior spirit,” he was quoted as saying by online portal The Star Online.

The prime minister also pledged that his administration will work on solving the 1MDB fiasco “and all other problems”, soon.

“My heart is with you Sarawak, we see what problems we can solve together,” he said.

Turning his attention to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Najib said it is not the former’s place to demand that he step down as prime minister over the 1MDB fiasco.

Najib stressed that every prime minister before him had problems during their era, including Dr Mahathir, and that it was only through loyalty from their supporters that they managed to stay in power and solve the problems.

“During the other PM’s era, there were lots of problems too. Bigger problems sometimes. But I strongly supported him (Dr Mahathir) for 22 years. I was very loyal (and) because of leaders like me, he stayed on for 22 years.

“This is my era as Prime Minister. I will not step down because of one person,” Najib said.

Dr Mahathir has been at the forefront of the attacks on Najib and his government, and has been actively pushing for the prime minister’s early resignation, believing if the latter stays in government, it could cost BN Putrajaya in the 14th general election.

