Najib’s imminent exit is the talk of the town


Many people are convinced that he’s not fit to be Prime Minister, says blogger Shahbudin.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Everywhere one goes these days, the talk is that Najib Abdul Razak’s departure from the Prime Minister’s Office is imminent.

Political analyst Shahbudin Husin makes this observation in his latest blog posting.

“It’s the same scene everywhere – in the kampungs, the towns, the coffee shops, teh tarik stalls, irrespective of whether they are in the private sector or government, whether they are neutral or members of political parties or job-seekers,” he says.

“It’s also a major topic in the social media and Whatsapp groups, Twitter, emails and the like, SMS and over the phone, and even by the roadside and over business luncheons.”

It’s clear, he says, that Najib has to make way, and the sooner the better. “The nation needs a new Prime Minister and urgently, at least temporarily.”

The longer that Najib prolongs his exit, the thinking goes, the more frustrated and impatient the people are going to become with him.

“Whether this new Prime Minister would be a temporary arrangement until GE14 or someone who can continue beyond that remains to be seen. It will depend on who becomes Prime Minister and whether he can meet the challenges ahead.

“The people are convinced that Najib is not fit to be Prime Minister. They see him simply as further burdening the nation if he continues to stay in office.”

As to the question of his successor, Shahbudin notes that the guessing game has begun. Will it be current Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, or someone else?


