Muhyiddin must demand Najib’s head, says blogger


Shahbudin says controversial Tabung Haji-1MDB land deal is the breaking point

(Free Malaysia Today) – It’s clear to all and sundry, even on Felda schemes and in the kampungs, that the country now has a government which isn’t concerned about their interests. Instead, the powers that be merely want to utilise all the resources at their disposal for their benefit.

“The use of funds belonging to would-be pilgrims to bail out a scandal-ridden company is unthinkable to right-thinking Muslims,” said blogger and political analyst Shahbudin Husin, a former Umno Youth division leader and author of four books critical of Najib Razak.

He said the Tabung Haji-1MDB deal was the breaking point. “It’s a case of borrowing to settle another debt. The 1MDB scandal continues to bleed Umno and the government.”

He considers it fortunate that details on the deal were leaked and became public knowledge. “Otherwise, it would have been covered up and no one would have been the wiser on yet another scandal.”

He said deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s attack from Milan, Italy, on Friday was reminiscent of his attack in 2008 against Abdullah Badawi, then prime minister. “Muhyiddin chose Singapore to make his statement. Now, he’s in Milan stepping up the pressure on another prime minister.”

The die was cast and the onus is on Muhyiddin to step forward and demand that Najib resign from all positions. “Najib has failed to answer all the questions on 1MDB and now we have this deal. Muhyiddin did stress before that there should be no bailout of 1MDB but Najib has ignored his plea.”

“There can no longer be any compromise,” the blogger said. “The statement from Milan cannot be left as it is. The pressure must keep mounting on Najib until he concedes and gives way.”


